When we eat food, our bodies are designed to tell us when we've had enough. When our stomachs are full we're supposed to stop eating. Some do and apparently many do not anymore. Many people ignore the sign that they're full and still feed themselves. This is unhealthy. What is healthy, according
June 23rd, 1957 was a momentous day for our world. This day, 55 years ago was changed by my (Bob) birth! It was this day that God decided He had had enough of this world without me in it. My mother always remembered Doc Solomon saying, "Dottie, you have a big beautiful red headed son!" My dad rem
This awesome message came via The Elijah List this morning and I want to share since we firmly believe and teach this very message all the time. Enjoy and do justly, love mercy (Micah 6:8). –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
All growth is rewarded by pruning. Not just in the plant world, but in our lives as well. John 15:2 says: Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. It's not a bad thing when we get pruned. It's better
This is an incredible segment from a book we're currently in the middle of by Bill Johnson. It's from Chapter 4 called A Presence that Empowers. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ... Sometimes the best place to
I just overheard a conversation going on outside on our deck between Bonnie and a good friend. Her friend was adamantly arguing about one point Bonnie made about us having a responsiblity for all the lives given to us in this world. She was saying that our responsibility is to get filled with so
Hello everyone! On this date, a date that will live in eternity as D Day was the day I took my bride. Today I'm taking off to spend more time with my wife of 31 years. I really am sitting in Heavenly Places with the most beautiful angel the Lord has ever given to me. The view is spectacular. Wish
Over time, I've had many people inquire as to why I call my blog by the name: Seated in Heavenly Places. What does this have to do with real estate? It's officially become the name of our ministry too and by the way, if you are reading this, you are in ministry too, it's what you were told to do
Remembering what those in our armed forces do to protect our freedom is one thing, but we also like to remember those who had no voice, no body to care for them, we like to stop for the one. It all begins with one. This Sunday is also Pentecost. That was also the day the Holy Spirit came to rest
All things are held together by something. If we didn't have gravity, we would be floating weightlessly as in outer space. Our cells are the exact same way, if there wasn't an adhesion protein molecule called laminin in them, they wouldn't be able to stay together and we could not live as we do..