I have been mostly silent over the tragic event at Sandy Hook Elementary since it happened. I've heard so many opinions over the last week and didn't think it was necessary to add to the fray. I do now, after hearing a reporter saying this is the worst tragedy in history. Evil, notorious, despica
Appointed TimesIn spite of escalating turmoil in our world, and failed hopes for presidential elections in the USA, there still remains one last, great outpouring of mercy before the time of the end (see Matt. 24:14; Acts 2:17). This supernatural season is not something for which we must beg God.
I ran into a lot of long faces today. I was asked, "Aren't you depressed?" I said certainly not. My hope is in the Lord and not a man in the Oval Office. I would never mistake the two. So when I read this today, I knew I had to share... God's Bigger Picture Of Hope In Disappointment H
Have you ever wondered why Tuesday was picked as our election day? It was sometime in the mid 18th century that our leaders decided to make every Tuesday following the 1st Monday in November the official election day for several reasons. But the number one reason was this: Sunday was considered a
Billy Graham has avoided any input on political matters for over 70 years. When pushed in the past he simply avoids answering what he thought politically. I think it speaks volumes to the importance of this current election that he would make a public opinion and spend the time, money and effort
The few things that I feel should have made this election a slam dunk for Mitt Romney: 1. The whisper to Medvedev saying hang in there, that after the election the president will have more flexiblity. Add that to Putin openly endorsing the President should have been the kiss of death. Russia has
After seeing the movie Monumental and learning about the early roots of America and the Pilgrims who first came and settled here, I came across this blog which I found very interesting. By the way, our current president was educated via Harvard. Harvard Ironies by Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts Cop
It is called the Monument to our Forefathers or the Monument to the Pilgrims. It stands as the tallest single piece of granite monument in the world at 81 feet. It was commissioned by our federal government, paid for by taxpayers without any argument whatsoever. It was meant to stand as a testame
This election, as any election is, is based on sustainable freedom. You won't hear that as a platform from any side. The most basic premise underlying all the rhetoric is this: Which choice gives us the best chance at sustainable freedom. Our founding fathers knew they had put in place a brand ne
"I've got Sonshine, on a cloudy day" is how our Pastor, Charles Stock puts it. When it's cold outside we are the month of May. This is how he describes how a Christian should be when encountering darkness. Last week a family from our church was robbed by a gun wielding, masked attacker. Yes, whil