Today I'm on my 2nd day of a 3 day fast and find this subject rather difficult to write about. There is a food that most of us consume that is so bad for us that some countries have outlawed it's use. It's bleached white flour... and most of what's sold in the stores is also "enriched". Enriched?...
We're not endorsing him or pushing him, just passing along a prayer request. We do think it's a reasonable request and will pray ourselves... how about you? We will also be praying the same prayer for all those seeking the presidency as we always do.  Thank you. Our brother, Mike Huckabee has ask...
BPA and you. What's BPA? Most people have heard of this by now and has been mostly associated with water bottles. It is Bisphenol-A (BPA), a toxic chemical that’s making us sick. It leaches into us from plastics, paper coatings and canned foods. 90% of us carry measurable amounts of BPA in our bo...
We've looked at beef and HFCS so far in the previous posts, today I'd like to address portions or more importantly correct portions. The number one problem in the United States when it comes to eating is the amount we consume. Many out there keep telling us that we have too many people and that t...
High Fructose Corn Syrup, HFCS for short. What is this stuff? From our government's definition: High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)—A corn sweetener derived from the wet milling of corn. Cornstarch is converted (just how is it converted??) to a syrup that is nearly all dextrose. Enzymes isomerize the...
Do you want to know the simplest way to be totally healthy? It's really simple... I mean really simple. 90% of the time, only eat foods that have one ingredient. That's it. ONE ingredient such as: eggs (from true free range chickens), vegetables, nuts (not those canned and processed with palm ker...
Luke 11:38-40 (Amplified Bible) 38 The Pharisee noticed and was astonished [to see] that Jesus did not first wash before dinner. 39 But the Lord said to him, Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside you yourselves are full of greed     and robbery and extortio...
With the last batch of terrible storms to hit our country... I'm again driven to Psalm 91. I hide myself in Thee Lord. This is how God works in our lives: Bonnie first mentioned how she's been drawn to Psalm 91 lately, I've come across it in online when reading something, I have heard two songs l...
I wanted to post this on Good Friday but evidently the Lord had a better idea... Please just let your spirit soak this in... call your spirit forward and if you picture Jesus saying this to you in whatever way you can while reading, it will really hit the mark.    Spirit, listen to the Word of Go...
"You're not suffering from a lack of finances... you're suffering from a lack of revelation!"  That's what someone said to me recently and he was absolutely correct. We can do so many things on our own without ever including Jesus in the equation that we sometimes forget to seek Him first. Everyt...

Bob & Bonnie Horning

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