The California State Contractors Licensing Board has just issued a warning of a remodeling scam in California and other states. It is an old scheme, and appears to be part of the gypsy group, known as the Travelers. Here is a link if you want to know more about the Travelers. http://www.asso
A lot of companies sell new agents on the fact that they are going to be helped along in the business with a Mentor. Maybe this works, but in the offices I have managed and the offices where I was just an agent, I have not seen it be successful. First, it is rarely clear exactly what the me
FINDING OUT IF THEIR PROSPECTIVE OFFICE IS COMMITTED TO TECHNOLOGY I for one, am not very tech savvy. Maybe it is my age but I get by. But, I am impressed with the new kids on the block who use the IPod and other devices much more completely than I do. Just the other day, an old attorney
Years ago, a home buyer would need to meet with four to five different people to acquire financing, home warranty, insurance, title and other available services. Modern real estate offices have moved towards a "one stop shop" as todays clents don't have the time to shop around for the
NOT UNDERSTANDING THE VALUE OF COMPANY IMAGE One thing that is constantly overlooked by people entering the business is the image of the company they are joining. Company image and branding is built over many years of happy customers and lots of advertising. Perception in real estate is some
Under contract law in most states, real estate litigation cases can be filed in the county that the property is located or where the contract was negotiated. This may not seem important for a real estate agent to think about but consider this. On the purchase contract, there is typically a bla
......not as a defendant, but as an expert witness. I can't give you names (to protect the guilty and innocent) but I think it would be worthwhile to tell you some of the lessons comng out of it. It involves a property that did not have their final road and easments recorded but they were to be
I used to give a class called, "Condos, Clients and Catastrophes." I haven't given it in a while but the issues are still valuable. Many of my comments will be California specific but the issues pretty much exist anywhere in the United States. First, these laws apply to any planned unit de
I guess there should be some advantage of being in the business for 30 years and managing small and large offices for more than 1/2 of that time. The other day, a friend of a friend, ask me if I would give them some advice about how to choose a company for a new agent. I know that it took me a
If you have read my blog before, you will know that I really dislike dual agency. An agent is supposed to be an advocate for their cleint, getting them the best deal possible. When they have dual loyalty, it is impossible to negotiate the "best" deal. Yes, you can facilitate (or go down the