if you read my blog, you know I deal with a lot of crazy deals which wind up in litigation, with the agent getting sued. So, some have accused me of being skewed. I guess to some extent, that is true. But, another input I get is that for the last 15 years or so, I have been active in my
As my prior post talked about, agents are using the strategy of getting a Short Sale house in a multiple offer situation by offering more than the house will sell for. I even saw one the other day that fell back on language I hadn't seen in years ....Price to be $1000 more than highest offer.
Too often our industry has taken the righteous position about this financial crisis by blaming the banks and the mortgage industry. Well, we have some real shenanigans going on right here in our real estate industry. I expect that I will see more work as an expert witness in litigation cases in
Sometimes I feel tainted by my expert witness work, where I see agents that are involved in lawsuits. So, often they are untrained and just not ready to do the heavy lifted that is needed in today's real estate. This is especially evident when agents get outside their residential home sale are
If you have read my blog before, you know that most of my posts are about the legal side of our business and my work as an expert witness in real estate litigation. This one is not. You would think that the music would be loud enough for congress to hear now that billions have been lost by hard
I have recently taken several short sale listings. In both cases, the sellers were up to date on their payments but were pretty much out of cash. Their houses were seriously upside down and they knew they were going to lose them one way or another. In both cases, they asked me, "should I sto
We just ran across something that we overlooked on a recent transaction. It especially bothers me since I am somewhat of a fanactic on anticipating problems and trying to eliminate them before they happen. Here is what happened. We got this near perfect offer on our listing ....buyer had 20%+
I continue to hear ads for lawyers who are going to stop your foreclosure and somehow, for a nice fee, get you a loan Mod. Frankly, I don't think so. My partner and I have been offering this service for FREE. And, after many interviews with people who are upside down or behind on their paym
If you have read my blog, you know that I do expert testimony in real estate litigation cases. I just got a new one which I wanted to share with you. It seems an agent sold this lady a deli. She had no experience in the food business but wanted to try her hand at running her own business. She
In the last few weeks, I have been inundated with Short Sale clients. I was really getting tired of hearing all these lawyer ads about their helping people do Loan Mods. They are charging $2000-3000 upfront and agreeing to credit back some portion of that if they don't succeed. I found out a