George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



Today is 2022 Memorial Day In Middletown, CT.  Memorial Day is a day our Country has set aside to honor the fallen men and women who have served in our Armed Forces, and put their lives on the line to ensure the freedoms we have.Memorial Day has also become a time in past years, where families ge...
This month Kathy Streib and Carol Williams are hosting the  "May ActiveRain Challenge; Getting to Know You." For this challenge we are asked to answer 21 questions which Kathy and Carol have put together. This challenge looked like a fun, so I have decided to participate, and provide a little mor...
Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and l would like to wish all mothers a very Happy 2022 Mother's Day.  On Mother's Day we always try to do something special for the Mother's at our Church.  So several years ago we started what has become a tradition of serving breakfast to our mother's and expecting mot...