George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



Yesterday I posted a blog on updating my blog signature, titled "It Is Time To Update My Blog Signature!!!"  In the blog I mentioned I was open to suggestion on how to make my new blog signature even better.  Well Craig Daniels really took that request to heart, and went over and above anything I...
Craig Daniels and Eileen Burns are challenging us to refresh/update our blog signatures in this months ActiveRain Challenge.  I did not think I was going to have time to participate in this challenge, BUT as you will see below, my blog signature was in SERIOUS need of being redone.In Craig's blog...
Happy St Patrick's Day 2022.  I hope all of you had a very special and enjoyable day today, and had an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends.  St. Patrick's Day is one of the more festive days of the year, and we all can use a little more fun in our lives.Hope everyone keeps safe and d...