George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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  Xtreme Impact Coming To Middlefield. CT.  I am not a fan of Xtreme Impact , but I know people who are.  If you have watched Extreme Impact on ESPN, and have been looking for an opportunity to attend one of these events, this is your chance. The Victory Christian Church at the corner of Jackson...
The Durham Fair 2013 was held this past weekend, and it was a beautiful sun filled weekend for it.  The Durham Fair always draws a big crowd, and this weekend was no different. My family and I went Friday night.  We normally go on Saturday so we can see some of the daytime activities like the tr...
  Learn To Ice Skate & Play Hockey.  I have lived in New England since I was 8 years old, and you would think in all that time I would have learned how to ice skate, but I never did.  I would have loved to have played Hockey when I was younger, but that would have required knowing how to ice ska...
Many blogs have been written this month by ActiveRain members about how they have grown their business, and I submitted one as well "Suggestion For How To Succeed  & Grow Your Business".  All the blogs I read, including my own, one major factor in successfully growing a business was omitted.  Tha...
Hawaii Is My Return Trip To Paradise.  It has been harder than I expected to decide the destination to write about for Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk ActiveRain contest "Contest The Virtual Traveller-From Fishhawk Lake Real Estate".  Deciding the destination for my return to paradise has been difficu...
The TreeHouse Comedy Club At Billy Tee's In Cromwell, Connecticut every Saturday night.  For those who are not familiar with the Treehouse Comedy Club, it is Connecticut‘s original and first full time comedy club.   The Treehouse first opened in Westport, Connecticut in 1983, and has featured se...
Fannie Mae Guidelines For When Tax Returns Are Required For A Mortgage.  One of the advantages to doing a Conventional Mortgage is Fannie Mae generally requires less paperwork and documents then most other loan program.  Generally a Borrower only needs to provide: 30 days of paystubs. 30 day bank...
  Fall Has Arrived In Middletown Connecticut.  As you can see in this picture one tree has already changed colors, and a few more are starting to show signs of doing the same.  The picture above is just about a minute walk from my house, and I will be posting pictures of this same spot at differe...
  The 1st New England Deaf Festival 2013 was this past weekend.  This event was literally held at the bottom of the street of the subdivision I live in, at the Hackney's Hope Farm on 174 Willcox Road, Middletown, CT., so I made it a point to attend.   Last year the Hackney Farm hosted a Pow Wow,...
  Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts Registration For 2013. I have written about the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in blogs in the past and will continue to do so in the future.  The Boy Scouts have a special place in the life of my family.  Both of my sons are Eagle Scouts, and I was involved in Cub Scouts an...

George Souto

Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
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