George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



The answer to this question depends on the situation that you are in and the reason for refinancing. Depending on these situations and reasons, refinancing can be good or bad. There are many reasons why people refinance, but all of them need to be made with all the information needed to make an i...
It will not be long before we get more Economic Reports for 2007, and especially on what the interest rates and housing costs will be for the upcoming year.  I say prediction because that is what they are, and like most predictions they can be wrong.  They are only someone’s guess based on the ec...
Things that we experience for the “First” time tend to be everlasting memories.  The first birthday that we are able to remember, first day of school, first best friend, first fight, first date, first kiss, first car, first accident, first speeding ticket, first house, birth of your first child, ...
The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority The (CHFA) is Connecticut’s Premier Mortgage Loan Program for “First Time Homebuyers”.  There have been a few Posts written here on ActiveRain, that have provided some information about different components of the CHFA Loan Program. So I thought it might...
I get a lot of strength and comfort from reading the word that I try to live my life by, especially when things are not going the way that I want, and things get a little rocky.  I find a lot of comfort in versus like (Matt 6:25-34), but I also get a lot of comfort and strength from many of the h...
Everyone needs “Attitude” especially if you are a salesperson.  If you don’t have it then you better get some.  Now don’t get me wrong I am not telling you to “Have an Attitude”, I am telling you to “Have an Attitude”.  Huh, isn’t that the same thing?  NO, its not.  People that have the first “At...
Most of the sermons that our Minister preaches on Sunday Morning hit home with me, in fact most of the time I think that the sermon is about me.  It isn’t, but that is what a good sermon should do, talk directly to us and make us look at ourselves.  Yesterday morning however, it was not the sermo...
Let’s face it, buying a home can cause some anxiety, but it doesn’t have to. The more you understand about the financial aspects of buying a home and the process you’ll go through, the smoother the transaction will go. But that understanding depends upon working with knowledgeable professionals w...
I have mentioned on a few of my previous blogs that I make it a point to stop by two to three Open Houses every Sunday.  As I stated in "Open Houses Not Just For Realtors...A Great Marketing Too For Loan Officers Also"  I live about 30 minutes from Church, so I stop by Open House on my way home. ...
I firmly believe that the difference between a successful sales person and one that isn’t, is “Motivation”.  A successful sales person does not need to report to an office and have someone tell them what they have to do.  A successful sales person does not have to have someone checking on them to...