George Souto Mortgage Loan Originator

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Mortgage and Lending - George Souto NMLS #65149 - NMLS #65149



This is the time of year when most people in the Real Estate Industry are putting together their Business Plans or setting goals for 2007.  Some will be doing their Business Plan or setting goals in writing, while others will take a less formal approach and just make a conscious personal decision...
Tomorrow is Sunday and I have made it a practice to stop by two to three Open Houses on my way home from Church.  This practice has been a great marketing tool for me, and one that I enjoy doing.  Many of the business relationships that I have formed with the Realtors that I work with have been a...
Yesterday was my oldest son’s twenty-fourth birthday, but we could not go out because he had to prepare some things for his class today (he teaches 7th and 8th grade math & science), so we took him out to dinner tonight instead.  He loves barbecue food, so we went to this restaurant that speciali...
Today as usual my family and I went to Church.  We enjoy going to Bible Class and studying from the word that we try to live by.  This is followed by our Worship Service where we listen to the Sermon that our Minister has prepared for that week, and also get to sing some hymns.  Our congregation ...
McCue Mortgage, the mortgage company that I work for, holds its monthly Sales Meeting on the third Friday of every month.  These meetings are attended by our whole Sales Force, Underwriters, Closers, Marketing, and Secondary Marketing.  We usually will cover new loan products during these meeting...
I don’t know if it is just the area that I write most of my loans in, or if this is starting to Become                more prevalent throughout the country.  More and more of the loans that I am writing are on unmarried couples.  I guess I am amazed at the number of loans that I do for unmarried ...
As everyone knows the Election is gratefully OVER yesterday!!!  For me it was a very long day, because I am the Republican Head Moderator here in Middletown, CT.  We were one of the test towns for the new Voting Machine that will be used State wide in 2007.  This Voting Machine is presently used ...
Tomorrow is Election Day, and I for one will be happy to see this one come to an end.  This election has to be one of the most negative elections that I have seen.  Lately it seems that each election is getting increasingly more negative and nasty.  Each candidate is spending less time on what th...
One of the things that I hear people in the Real Estate Industry talking about all the time is, how do we get more business?  What tools is everyone using to get more business?  What markets should we tap into to get more business?  Do you get the picture, we want more business.  We will search h...
Yesterday I read a blog by Bryant Tutas I just listed "The Best House In Poinciana". AGAIN and it got me to thinking about how people depending on their involvement with the house, can have a very different perspective of its value, and what it looks like to them. There perspective of the Sellers...