Team Works Real Estate is proud to announce a new listing of 501 Haben Blvd 303, a magnificent condo in the heart of Palmetto, Florida. Come enjoy this masterpiece of a home for sale with a wonderful view of the Manatee River in the most sought after community of this area. With over 1600 squar...
The median price for Sarasota Real Estate is constantly rising! Now is the time to sell.
The latest Trendgraphix statistics show that the Sarasota/Manatee markets have about a three month supply of single family homes on the market. Make that less than two months for homes under $200,000. We have shown over the past several months now an increase in prices and a decrease in invento...
Just to reinforce the message, psst, the Florida real estate market is back. Sarasota and Manatee counties have seen a steady rise in prices. Inventory continues to decline, think less than a month supply of single family resale homes available under 100k and two to three months under 300k. ...
The latest Trendgraphix report shows there is about a three month supply of single family homes on the market and around six months for condominiums in both Manatee and Sarasota counties. When you look at single family homes under $300k it is around a two month supply. Recent media reports put pr...
According to the latest Trendgraphix report there is just over a six month supply of condominiums on the market in Sarasota and Manatee counties. To put this in perspective two years a ago there was more than a 15 month supply. Sales are up and prices appear to be stable. Still a bit behind sin...
The June 2012 Trendgraphix report for Sarasota and Manatee counties show overall there is only a four month supply of single family homes on the market. A more tell tale for the market is the statistic showing under $300,000 there is only a two month supply of single family homes for sale. On...
Latest news from the Bradenton Herald says single family home sales were up 17.4 percent in May this year compared to last year in Manatee County. The median price was at $168,500 according to the article which is 10.2 percent up from a year ago. All indications are the market is coming back very...
From all indications we are now solid footing for recovery in the housing market for Sarasota/Manatee counties. According to the latest Trendgraphix report single family homes are on the market for an average less than 100 days. We are below three months of available inventory indictating a selle...
Recent market information showed a 6 percent increase in housing prices in the Manatee/Sarasota County areas over last year. The bottom of a market was I believe more than a year ago. A steady climb has started back in our pricing. This doesn't mean we have regained what the market lost. Overall ...