Mr. and Mrs. John Q Smith have just rehabilitated an 1800's one and a half story New Englander. The home has 1200 square feet of finished living area. The home had horse hair and newspaper insulation in the walls which were covered with lead paint, lead glass windows with rotting sills, asbestos
What Do You Do With Your Dryer Lint? Stacey E Bernstein's artwork caught my attention. As an art lover and former art teacher myself, I was looking for something to do with my dryer lint. Doing a Google search brought me to this simple but effective website, advertising this woman's passion for l
I had FUN playing a kid's game yesterday... the kind of game we used to play in elementary school. I'll explain how to play it in a moment, but first, I need to give you a little background as to why this is such a big deal and why you should read on. At age fifty, I am not a big fan of exercise.
So many people have asked me 'What is an EcoBroker®?'. I thought I'd find a more creative way to answer the question, AND, one of my New Year's Resolutions was to become more tech-savvy. So here it is... My first YouTube video: (Sorry, I haven't figured out how to embed the actual video yet, but