Cheryl Ritchie's (goldenresults) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Leading Edge - 71785
Scribd as a Realtor Tool?Check out Scribd app. It’s $8.99 per month for Unlimited Books Online in Print or via an Audio Solution on a tablet or Phone.  IPAD is my choice!I am an avid Audible user so will not give up that subscription.This Scribd product, which just unveiled the 8.99 Unlimted Mont...
AUDIBLE is more than a Realtor Reading Platform! The cool part is that when you have an Audible Subscription, once you have purchased an Audible Book you can GIFT it to any of your clients or friends or family members or Agents with whom you are doing business as a Thank You Gift, Birthday Gift, ...
Movie Night is Sunday Night!I like to peruse through Amazon Prime and Netflix and select a Winner.I drop the political commentary shows which are weekday viewing preferences and choose to go with whatever movie absorbs me for the few hours. Sometimes it is quite a challenge.Recently, I have seen ...
When Placed in Command, Take Charge!I heard Schwarzkopf say that at a RE/MAX Convention many years ago.It really resonated with me. He also said to make the best decision based on the available facts.Right or wrong, do the research or go with your gut and make the decision. I find that my gut doe...
Ipad on Active Rain ...The Glitch Work Arounds?Ok, write the post, pick the title, and publish form the iPAD. Otherwise, you can lose it all and that’s all the work time...writing the post. Go back and add photos, groups, tags etc later unless you like writing the post a few times.When stumped, s...
Kerflummoxed Over Buyer’s Real Estate Question?I was asked a Buyer Real Estate Question that had me completely Kerflummoxed.It was so illogical and the answer, if I could even acquire it, so useless that I was stumped.So I asked Dear Old Dad.He said, in the flash of a moment, “ It does not matter...
Spring is traditionally the hot real estate market season.  It is the time of year to expect an increase in market activity. With the shortage of inventory most states have been experiencing buyers are anxious for some new listings. Although it's been a sellers' market for some time now, not all...
Years Later, the POST that has Over 53,000 Views!W H A T ???I did nothing, said nothing and yep, Presto , 53K Views. I don’t deserve that kind of FanFare. Who even knew.Free Golden Results Market Report on your Southern Maryland Home is the Blog Title. Visit ti...
A Sunday Breakfast Served in Bed HACK?Did I get your attention on that? Who doesn’t like the smell of breakfast cooking when you first wake up?Okay, I said H*A*C*K. Here you go. From the Queen of CrockPots.Give me a crock pot and eventually I will figure my way around any recipe.There are EPIC Fa...
I have been scraping the RUST off this afternoon remembering how to navigate and participate in Active Rain.This question and answer stuff is Great.  Awesome. The Best.Everything that stumped me I posted as a question and within minutes had a ton of responses.I cannot see the word count on my iPa...

Cheryl Ritchie

Southern Maryland 301-980-7566
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