Dear Lord, The Book of James (chapter 3) tells me all about the tongue. It's such a little member of the body, but it can do so much harm. We can speak words that bless You and words that curse man who is made in Your image. A few words can uplift, encourage, and do positive things in a person's ...
Dear God, Thank you for a new day. I know that everything I am and everything I have is a result of what you have allowed in my life. Sometimes life is very hard; other times it is full of happiness. I know you are always there and your blessing is available...if only I will listen and obey. Plea...
Dear God, I know that You have a plan for my life. Sometimes, I'm not sure I'm following the right path that will fulfill Your perfect will. I pray that You will give me discernment to make the right choices, and to recognize when You place someone in my life to give direction and point out truth...
Dear Father in Heaven, You can see the big picture. You know me and where I'm to fit in life. Please help me see myself through your eyes...and understand my role on this earth. Help me stop and take a look at how others see family, my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors. When someone me...
Dear God, Thank you for new beginnings. When one door closes, another door opens. Change is not always easy, but sometimes necessary and in our best interests. I am so glad that you offer us opportunities to change for the better. I trust you because you know the future and you want what is best ...
Dear God, This morning I am moved to pray for new Christians. Satan does not want them to be happy with their decision to follow you. He wants to trip them any way he can. Please, send a legion of guardian angels to surround them and protect them from harm and evil. Give them extra strength to re...
Dear God, I desire to do as your Word instructs, and let "no corrupt word proceed from my mouth, but only what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." I do not want to "grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom I was sealed for the day of redemption." I pray that I will...
INTEGRITY...God, how many people today are lacking integrity? I can think of so many scandals among business and Christian leaders, as well as everyday people. What a shame. I pray that You would help me to always will be a person of integrity. Help me to have undivided devotion to You, to firmly...
Dear God, Please help me to adjust my life to you. I pray for wisdom and boldness to do what is right. Show me the way, whether I need to change jobs, make new friends, break bad habits, or whatever the case. Make me aware of how I need to change and adjust, so that I will be pleasing to you and ...
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:3-5). Dear Lord, pleas...

Ashley Myers,

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Begin each day with prayer and the Lord will see you through the day . . .