Keller Williams Bucks National Trends Austin Kilgore | 01.28.09 Despite a housing crisis that has sent foreclosures up, prices down, and the nation's economy in a tailspin, Austin, Texas-based Keller Williams Realty Inc. is beating the odds, outperforming the national market. The country's fourth...
Of all the wonderful change that has been spoken of relating to our new President; there is one obscure fact that has hit me - this new President is 7 years younger than me. What that really translates to is that for the 1st. time in my life, I am older than the sittingCommander In Chief. Not a b...
Today starts a new chapter in my Real Estate career; I have moved to a new brokerage. It really doe not matter where I have been or where I'm going, what matters is the connections I have made and the new friends I am soon to meet. This is not unlike the feeling I had when I left PS 94 behind and...
This past weekend, I spent 3 1/2 hours apiece on a listing appointment that ended without my writing the listing. That's 3 1/2 precious hours I will not get back now or ever.These were folks that called me through my website and I was relatively certain I would add a listing to my "book". Everyth...
Happy New Year to everyone!While I was very lucky to be able to spend the holidays in another country on a beach in 85 degree sunshine, I knew I eventually had to come back to reality and hit the ground running for the new year in NEO.However, while I was "roasting" in the sun, I spent many hours...
There seems to be another "guaranteed system" on every page in every real estate magazine I read. One after another, they promise me fortune and riches, (without working!).I am no stranger to hard work and expect equal return from my contribution, but.... surely there is something out there that ...
We have been blessed with the most pleasantly warm and clear beginning of Fall that I can remember and as I write (type) this post, it has begun to rain quite heavily and the temperature has dropped quite a bit.My 30 years as a retail merchant taught me that the change is weather will always brin...
I have been talking to a FSBO near my home for the past few weeks and he related a story to me about someone who called to see his home.There were about 5 phone calls from this same person just trying to get a time to come over to see the home. Finally, after much wrangling, an appointment was ma...
Here we are in a byers market, or are we?Where are all these buyers? Where are they hiding? Okay, inventory is WAY UP, and price pressure is pushing downward, so it should be "like a kid in a candy store" for anyone who has even the sligfhtest inkling of buying their first home or moving up.If th...
Today, a buyer I have been working with called and wanted to see a property he had driven past.I qiuckly printed out the listing and noticed this phrase in the comments section:"Screen buyers for sensitivity to mold before showing"Thanks for the warning!I headed over to the local HOME DEPOT and b...