Seattle Retired - What's next?

Home Builder - Retired
The thoughts of Glenn Roberts about active retired life in Seattle
Today I met with Mike Carpenter for coffee and I think we each had a concept in mind. A few years ago Mike showed up on my radar and very successfully preformed his role as loan officer in a transaction that was causing me some small logistical issues. I've learned since that Mike is the kind ofl...
The Magnolia Trees in Seattle seem to be blooming late this year. It's been cooler than normal and very few warm days. I've stopped running now but used to run in the St Patrick's Day Dash in Seattle. We'd run through a tunnel and then up on the Alsakan Way Viaduct with fun views of the city and ...
The Washington State Property Management Law as Applied to Real Estate Licensees has changed twice in the past two years. First the State tried the "one law fits all" approach but it proved to include a process that was too difficult to manage. A real estate brokerage in Washington is now known a...
I just read a post by Richard Yates, Alan May is a cheater... and since I read Alan May too, I had to check in and read his shopping list post. Alan is not a cheater, except by Richard's definition of terms, maybe, but reading Alan's post took me to Billie Evans shopping list post. That's a good ...
  Charita Cadenhead, a Realtor in Birmingham, Alabama, has the perfect advice for sellers across the country. Selective belief in what you hear others say is not enough. Learn the facts about the value of your property and make realistic decisions. Comments disabled.   I Guarantee You I Can Sell ...
It's baseball season again and Green Lake has Little League. My son played on the RUG team (Roosevelt, U-District, GreenLake) team 20 years ago. Today I watched a game with my grandson playing. He'll soon be 14. Hard to believe. Loren (#22) plays for the Northwest team and today they beat the RUG...
Understanding Negotiations Part 3: Email Delivery In Part I of Understanding Negotiations I discussed viewing negotiations from a rational stance. In Part II I studied the Emotional side of the process. If one has been a real estate agent for more than ten years, he may recall the days when most ...
Changing what goes wrong into something that turns out alright is what we, as agents, are expected to do. We resolve many conflicts which arise in the course of our everyday real estate activities and thank goodness for that. If we didn't the expertise to do that, and there wasn't the need, we wo...
Are there rats in Ravenna, and Roosevelt, too? Who would know unless they seee them or unless they went to the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association meeting last night. About 120 people showed up and it was a busy agenda. First off the acting president was named official president for the coming y...
Take this title in the sprit for which it is intended. Another Lake and Company agent has posted a first blog on Active Rain. Please welcome Aune Tietz to the Community. Her first blog is up and it's a good one. Enjoy Urban Hike, a stroll through some of Seattle's most ecletcic neighborhoods. She...

Glenn Roberts

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