Where do you think we currently fall on this graph? Somewhere between Panic and Depression? Inching toward Hope judging from Denver real estate’s showing activity in the past 14 days? Too many buyers will wait until we pass Hope and head into Optimism. That may be the right time to move homes,...
The PMI Mortgage Insurance Company, located in Northern California, issued their quarterly “Market Risk Index” this week. Denver, Colorado is listed among 10 U.S. cities as those posing minimal risk of housing prices being lower in two years than they are today. This report doesn’t make asserti...
Prognostications from the kitchen table That’s pretty much what we do, real estate bloggers - peer into our crystal balls, ignore the strictly bad news and go with our gut. But our gut involves real world experience. We’ve either got buyers in our cars or we don’t, we’re either listing properti...
When you’re selling your home in Denver, you may want to have the correct label on the house for it’s architectural style. I’ve seen homes that were clearly Victorian labeled Tudor, or Mid-Century Modern called International Style. Denver Real Estate is replete with fabulous architectural styl...
It’s just 8 days until Christmas, and even fewer until Hanukkah. What have I been doing? Baking cookies for 80 people. The agents in my office are hungry for cookies, and I’m accommodating them in their time of need. I’ve also been asking around, observing and trying not to shop unless absolute...
It’s that time of the month to reflect back on Denver’s residential real estate sales. Denver real estate is up and it’s down, it’s selling and stalling. It depends on who you ask, what their circumstances are and what price range they’re in. We’ve had several instances of multiple offers in my...
So the U.S. is in a recession. I got that important text message to my BlackBerry yesterday from the NY Times while I was sitting in a meeting. I was flabbergasted, couldn’t believe it. Actually, I’ve been helping real estate brokers in my office and sellers whose properties I have listed weather...
I have a friend, Diana, who happens to be a vegetarian. Not like me, a partial vegetarian who doesn’t eat red meat or pork. Diana doesn’t eat any meat at all. A few years ago, she told me they were going to have something called a “tofurkey” for Thanksgiving. It didn’t much surprise me, Diana has...
Denver will be celebrating its 150th anniversary tomorrow. We’re proud of our silver and gold mining roots, and of the much more diverse economy we have today. The Denver Board of Realtors was formed in 1886 as one of the first real estate trade associations in the U.S., so we are obviously ahead...
Denver and Colorado real estate agents are full of great information about what’s going on in our city and state. You may not have read some of these people, and I wanted to introduce you to a few of my favorite local voices: Denver Modern Homes - Todd Carpenter isn’t a real estate broker, he’s ...