Focusing on Multi Facetted Marketing Events will help to jump start or slingshot your real estate career into the success zone. A diamond has its brilliance and sparkle because of the facets that have been cut into it. Add brilliance your real estate business by adding facets to it. A Multi Face...
The first rule of business… to stay in business. Cut the fat out of your real estate business As real estate agents, offices and companies struggle to figure out this market it is important to stay focused on what is working and what is not. “Working” means money spent that earns a return in ...
Now that I'm with GraphicalData I am having more focused discussions with real estate agents and their brokers about websites. One of the things I've quickly learned is that you can not have a "website" discussion without having a "marketing" discussion. Too often agents want to jump in and order...
This is part of the ongoing series "Finding Success in the Basics" If you are out prospecting and marketing you will be bound to run into someone personally or virtually who has an interest in real estate. This is where your skills and knowledge will come into play. Being a real estate professi...
This whole discussion of "the Bail Out" is very frustrating. Not only do most people not understand it but it is so convoluted that it may never get done? How much will it really cost? Who does it benefit? Will it really help the family who is in hardship?.....all are questions being asked, not a...
This is part of the ongoing series “Finding Success in the Basics” Since you can’t talk someone into buying or selling a home (Unless you are Tommy Hopkins) the best you can hope for is to be in the right place at the right time. This often makes you feel like you are trying to be everywhere at o...
Over two years ago I developed a website which led to a blog Even then Ozzie, the guy at Graphical Data who helps me with all things web, cautioned me that the site was too broad. I was trying to make it be all things to all people. La...
For those of us who were involved in these changes a few years ago....this comes as a bit of a surprise. It appears that the revisions to WA States real estate license law has now been brought before our state legislators and is now ready for the Governors signature.Though this was a hot topic 2 ...
Well here we are, almost through the first quarter of 2008. By now many thought we would be through the tough times. I think realization began to set in towards the end of 2007 or certainly by mid February as more and more sub-prime woes spilled out.So...where are we now? I actually think we are ...
I hope this annual letter and calendar find you and yours doing well. Please note that your calendar starts on December 1st so go ahead and start planning next year today. 2007 has been an interesting year in real estate. The good news is the northwest has done very well in these turbule...