As a Realtor you learn not to count on a paycheck until you walk out of the title company with a check in your hand. Many things can happen to stop a transaction from completing. A person who gets a paycheck on a regular basis does not understand what it is to work / wait / work / work / work /
212 County View Lane, Floresville, TX 78114 Come Enjoy the Country while being very close to San Antonio Beautiful Quiet Nightime Views of the Stars Only a few miles off Loop 1604 but you feel like you are living in the pure country. Ready for move in -- Fenced with water well in place; Picosa
If anyone is looking to buy a foreclosed home, any home with the HomePath logo means that it is available for HomePath financing. The HomePath benefits include: a low down payment and flexible mortgage terms even if your credit is less than perfect. It is available for not only homeowners but inv
There was a Penn State study done that concluded that people going through the foreclosure process are in a state of depression. Well duh should I say we needed a study to figure this out?? The good point about this study is the effect that financial situation is placing on other areas of the h
FLORESVILLE - Wilson County turns 150 this year. While this has become a booming residential area in the last 20 years (almost doubling in population), one of the parks department employee who hung banners proclaiming the county's 150th anniversary along the streets stated that while more people
Press Release from JD Powers 7/28/10 The study, now in its third year, measures customer satisfaction of home buyers and sellers with the largest national real estate companies. Overall satisfaction is determined by examining three factors for the home-buying experience: agent/salesperson; of
Have you noticed how we are such creatures of habit? Or is it a comfort zone that we are in? Just for fun, I parked in Cindy's parking spot. We then had this discussion about people's comfort zones and established routines. She parks here; I park there. Don't park in our spots. (Not really) M
Based upon an article in the New York Times is that the serious delinquencies in which the borrower has missed at least three payments in a row as measured by CoreLogic data is down for all types of loans as lenders work with owners in various modification programs. Normally at the 3 month del
Another transaction under the belt after a rough start. How do those days happen? Everything is rolling along well and the closing is set for tomorrow (after the closing date has been amended three times). Tomorrow is June 30th-the last day for the First Time Homebuyers tax credit closing so
Another transaction under the belt after a rough start. How do those days happen? Everything is rolling along well and the closing is set for tomorrow (after the closing date has been amended three times). Tomorrow is June 30th-the last day for the tax credit closing so we are in the deadline