Contrary to what you may have heard....lenders actually want to avoid a foreclosure! It's true, in most cases, lenders actually want to avoid a foreclosure wherever possible. That's why they're accepting more short sale and deed-in-lieu transactions everyday in an effort to eliminate unnecessary...
We are gaining ground in the Roseville area since we too are a First Priority net branch! Check us out and get pre-qualified to buy a home. Thanks to my friend Garrick for writing a great post! I have been with First Priority Financial since February of 2007, when I experienced the credit crisis...
Real Estate Activity in Citrus Heights, CA Below is a chart that will give you a good explanation of why it is so hard for buyers to get into a home in this market. This is a trend in real estate that we see all over, not just in Citrus Heights, CA. We currently have for sale in Citrus Heights, ...
I'll be there! A great class for 1st time home buyers or those who haven't bought a home in a while. Because our market is ever changing I am sure you will learn something new! Would love to see you there! Buying a home is no easy task. To insure that your home purchase is a successful one, we'...
Thinking about buying or selling a house? 5 Questions to ask an agent? Do You Have A Friend in the Real Estate Business? I hear that a lot, "I have a friend in the real estate business." Often times people think that because they have a friend in the business this means that magically they wil...
Debbie's Top 15 Christmas Songs It's cold outside, the tree lights are on and so is the Christmas music! I thought I would try to compile my list of my Top 10, which quickly turned into my top 15, Christmas songs. This was difficult since Christmas music is played in my house and my car from the...
This year I am starting a "tradition" in my office. I will be conducting a non-perishable food & gently used clothing drive for the Lincoln Salt mine. It will run until Dec. 21st. I have been trying to find a local charity to support and this past year I met a wonderful organization called the "S...
Sacramento County Home Sales - 15 Month Snapshot of Activity How's the real estate market? That is a question that I get asked nearly everyday. When I tell my buyers that there is a lot of competition for houses, here's why. The number of homes on the market in the last 15 months had been cut by ...
OK home sellers. Please do your selves a favor, if possible, be present at the time the appraiser is appraising your home. They may not be able to contact us, the agents and lenders, but you can be there to offer your two cents! Go ahead, tag along! Tell them what they need to know! No one kno...
Foreclosure Solutions-Hope for Home OwnersThe current U.S. housing market and national financial crisis has caused untold stress and heartache for many American families. Foreclosure is one of the most devastating financial challenges that a family can face and one that many times can be avoided...