I keep careful records on where my business comes from. I am an active blogger. I write a weekly post in the weekly newspaper for my hometown, Milton, Massachusetts. I went to a good college and a good law school. All this being said, fully 74 per cent of the business I did in 2010 was from "refe...
Because I have been in practice for so long, i sometimes take time to identify what may have been a turning point in terms of my success. I have identified that moment as the time I started to solicit Chief Executive Officers, and other high ranking people, for business. I am not going to tell yo...
Mediation is not a new phenomena; it is just something that has become more in vogue, because the plain truth is that most people do not have the time and energy to litigate their disputes in the Courts in this difficult economic environment. For all but the privileged few, resolving disputes thr...
It's pretty cool being on a panel with the likes of Lenn and Carla. I am looking forward to the task, and will, from time to time, reach out to some of the stalwarts I have worked with on AcriveRain for guidance. Elliott www,topkinsandbevans.comActiveRain MasterMinds: Meet Your Outstanding Judges...
This actually happened. A client of mine purchased two beautiful lots in the West of Boston suburb of Weston. Weston is probably the most exclusive bedroom community in Greater Boston, and there are homes there with price tags of over $20,000,000. My client's intention was to build the home of hi...
My current mortgage interest rate, which is of the Jumbo variety, is 3.25%. That could change in November, 2011, but it is fixed at that rate until that date. When it does changes, it can only increase by one percent a year. That means, in effect, that I am guaranteed a 4.25% interest rate until ...
This is a thoughtful presentation and makes sense. i know in my own situation, my current interest rate is 3.25%, because I have always been a believer in ARMS for people who have jobs. I may write a post about that later on. Elliott www. topkinsandbevans.comĀ Much has been said recently about th...
Earlier this week, a Realtor in my networking group called me for legal fees and expenses involved in converting a three familyinvestment property into a condominium. As a Massachusetts real estate attorney, this is an area in which I have experience and expertise. I have worked on more than 40 c...
I got a phone call yesterday from a Realtor who was in the process of taking an offer on a condominium in Boston. He told me the Buyers were with him, and they had a few questions about where things went from there, and could I assist them with the purchase. When I answered the Realtors call, the...
In an article entitled "Banks Want Pieces of Fannie-Freddie Pie", written by Louise Story, in the January 21, 2011 edition of the NEW YORK TIMES, the author suggested that the big banks, including Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, are waiting in the wings to take over the dispensing ...