
Services for Real Estate Pros - Topkins & Bevans-etopkins@topbev.com
Real estate attorneys, like other real estate professionals, are often accused of "flirting with the truth". What I mean by this is that because we have held ourselves out as experts in our field, we have the subconscious need to know everything. So when we are asked a question which we really do...
In the past week or so, I have written a couple of posts about the seeming insouciance of the large nationals Lenders to the plight of the legitimate situation, where a person started out a mortgage apparently able to make monthly payments on time, and then drifting into a situation,or situations...
Many times, in the course of my practice as a residential real estate attorney, I am asked to "look over" a proposed Purchase and Sale Agreement, normally in conjunction with representing a Lender in a mortgage loan transaction. The level of "looking over" in most instances varies. Some Buyers wi...
I recently wrote a post about the insensitivity of Lenders to the plight of "under-water" home owners seriously behind on their mortgages. I characterized the group I was analyzing as the people whose mortgages had been legitimate when they began, but which, because of circumstances generally bey...
Recently, an engagement representing a young couple purchasing one Unit of a two unit condominium in the process of being converted from a two-family home, presented a unique situation for my firm. Because the documents had not been recorded, we could comment on their content and make sure that a...
Regrettably, I am many times involved these days helping people who are "upside down" in their mortgages, and generally not in a position to make the required payments to their Lenders. These are not subprime "scamsters"; these are families who have lost jobs, gotten sick, perhaps lost their way ...
When I first started writing posts on ActiveRain. they were literally the tree that fell in the empty forest. No body even read them, let lone take the time to comment on them. I have an especially stubborn streak, so I kept on chugging, and one day, from out of the blue, a post I wrote was featu...
I wouldn't go so far as to call this an "epiphany". It was more like a reality check. I have started reading some ActiveRainposts, which I more or less, "wish I had written". They were germane to the type of information I was trying to contribute; they were relevant to the reader base I thought I...
I am in the midst of a continuing controversy with a long-standing, and important client. I have been doing this person's legal work for him for almost eight years, during which time he has successfully bought and sold real estate in many fashions and forms. As a Massachusetts real estate attorne...
My wife, Joanne Topkins, is a "newbie" who started out as a salesperson with the Boston, MA firm of Otis & Ahearn a few months ago. Like many new people in our industry, she has a thirst for knowledge, and, accordingly leaped at the opportunity to attend a seminar in which Steve Harney, an establ...

Elliott S. Topkins

Massachusetts Real Estate and Title Atty
local_phone(617) 236-0104
smartphone(617) 596-3184
Contact The Author
Realtor's Resource Blog is dedicated to furnishing current strategy and information to the Massachusetts real estate community of professionals and to out of state realtors and REO and relocation companies who need excellent representation in Massachusetts. My law firm, Topkins & Bevans, can cover the entire state of Massachusetts. I hope to use my 40 years of hands-on real estate experience to assist you and your Massachusetts Buyers and Sellers.