Interest rates are at record lows, and everybody you know is lining up to get a better rate. There is no downside, unless you get hit with unreasonable closing costs, which is really not happening very much lately. The rate is an improvement over what you had before. The Lender finishes up its un...
We are now entering into what real estate professionals call “the spring market”. Normally, this means the best selling season for residential homes. In the past three or four years, the spring market has not been different from any other market. Sales were basically “flat” and there was no real...
While the phenomenon is not quite as pervasive as in the past, there are still many owners of United States real estate who are either foreign nationals, with US Social Security Numbers, or foreign nationals who have no US Social Security Number. Purchasing property in the United States does not ...
If you have not gone through the process, you have no idea of how many “little things” are involved in purchasing a home. It really is not as easy as finding a suitable property, submitting an acceptable Offer, closing on your mortgage loan and moving in. At every step along the way, there are...
There is probably more misinformation in existence about Reverse Mortgages than any other mortgage product in history. Much of the misinformation has been founded on fact. Reverse mortgages have, in the past, been extremely expensive mortgage products. Lately, many of the premier players in...
Things really never change in the good old Kingdom of Massachusetts. While other states have their own rules about the roles of attorneys in the closing process, most of which keep minimizing the role of the real estate attorney in favor of escrow companies and title companies, the Supreme Judici...
I generally recommend reciprocal Powers of Attorney to all couples for whom I prepare Estate Plans. My 44 years of experience in the estate planning and probate area have convinced me that a properly drafted Power of Attorney can be a powerful cost-saving instrument in the event that a husband or...
I am a practicing Massachusetts real estate attorney. I am a licensed Massachusetts realtor. I am a trained Massachusetts divorce mediator. I have many clients and many engagements. There are also many engagements which I would like to have had and did not. There was a time when I fretted over th...
Lawyers are often the focal point of disputes between neighbors, family members, business associates and virtually any combination of personalities. While it is not always the case that people use my services for non-confrontational matters [estate plans, home purchases or setting up businesses],...
Easements come in all shapes and sizes. Easements can be consensual and in writing, and there are times when easements are “prescriptive” and act in much the same manner as adverse possession. A well drafted easement can give protection to abutting properties. A poorly drafted...