I do not think I ever have failed to vote, even when I was in the service during basic training. My parents instilled in me a reverence for the event, a feeling of beneficence when I pulled the leaver, or marked a ballot, and the left the polling place. Make no mistake; I will vote today, and I a...
What happened to me today was certainly not unique. It has happened many times before, and it will probably happen many times in the future. I was representing a client who was selling a million dollar plus condominium in the South End of Boston. The Buyer was represented by a very large State St...
The advice I am discussing arose when a close friend called me with a real problem. In 2008, an investment property which he owned was foreclosed upon. As a result the foreclosure, the foreclosing bank received $200,000 on a property upon which my client had a $360,000 mortgage. When he did not h...
Like so many other things which have happened in my life, Divorce Mediation training was not quite what I expected. After taking what was called a "cram" course to pass the Bar Exam in 1968, I had not been back to school. This was not quite the same as school, but there were 18 of us, and we star...
With the slowdown in real estate transactions in Massachusetts, and my continuing need to "try something different" as a part of my basic framework, I am beginning 40 hours of training as a Divorce Mediator starting tomorrow morning,and ending next Saturday. At this point, I know only the rudime...
The weekly publication, BOSTON HOMES, has been in existence for a considerable length of time. I rerecently had the opportunity to review its approximately 50 pages of contents, when my wife, Joanne, who r4recently secured her Real Estate Salesperson's License purchase a copy to give her informat...
In the constant quasi-battle between the two, "rent" seems to be winning out over "buy" in the current real estate climate. Some of the reasons are fairly obvious. Renting involves a finite commitment in time and resources, and some hidden defect in the property will, at worst, become a bother. G...
At least in my neck of the woods, condominiums came into vogue in the early 1970's, pretty much the same time as when Richard Nixon was our President (at least, for a while). They were a new and bold innovation, and the early thrust of Condominiums was to provide inexpensive home ownership for yo...
A little more than a year ago, a client of mine called me and told me he had heard of a situation in New Jersey where a charitable ccorporation was purchasing mortgage loans which were badly in default, contacting the Borrowers to see if they wished to work out an arrangement to stay in their hom...
As I have written in the past, I try in almost all situations involving joint ownership by non-spouses to have the parties enter into a tenancy in common (TIC) or joint tenancy (JT) agreement. [This problem does not generally exist with married couples because there is a legal overlay with divirc...