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The besieged real estate market has recently displayed encouraging signs that it might be just about to turn the corner for a new and brighter day. In a meaningful way, too. Home sales are increasing in some areas, prices are firming, and even inching up a bit, consumer confidence in housing is ...
  June 2012 National Housing Survey run by Fannie Mae brings a decent dose of good news to the otherwise embattled real estate market. High levels of mortgage foreclosures are still in the headlines a lot, as are short sales, both of which continue to dominate housing market reports from a host o...
Gary is summing it up nicely here. Yet, many D.C. metro area people are still without power after the infamous derecho roared through here a few days ago. Hopefully they'll find someplace cool to go to for the celebration. By the way, how do you market that house after the 4th?Those immortal Decl...
  FHFA – Federal Housing Finance Agency – reported the other day that during the first quarter of 2012 HARP refinances came in at 180,185 closed deals, signifying a healthy jump from the 93,190 HARP refis that were done in the 4th quarter of 2011. If this trend continues it will in its small way ...
There it is, loud and clear from George. If a mortgage borrower insists on paying his own taxes and insurance it's not only more costly, but also greatly narrows down the loan programs available. Investors generally do not buy loans without them being escrowed.My Frequently Asked Questions #8 for...
NAR – the National Association of Realtors – recently put together a report that should spread some cheer on faces of everyone who is planning on purchasing a home. Actually, it also should quicken the heartbeat in the mortgage loan industry and among real estate agents. And the home building sec...
Renee's metrics are easy to read, showing what kind of unusual real estate marketplace Vegas still is. It happens rarely that 70% of home sales in any major housing market are REOs and short sales for months, like it has been in Southern Nevada. Las Vegas Area April 15, 2012 Active Listings by Ty...
It’s hardly a surprise that the homeownership number continues to backpedal in today’s wobbly real estate market and tight mortgage milieu.   Foreclosures mercilessly push borrowers from their homes and this trend seemingly will continue for several more years as another 5-6 million homeowners co...
John, Washington obviously is determined now to unload as many foreclosures as possible in Fannie Mae's, Freddie Mac's and FHA's books to reduce taxpayer risk. That is understandable. Yet, the consequences could be serious, as you mention. The deeply discounted homes investors buy will further lo...
Mortgage fraud of course will exist so long as mortgage loans are being issued. It’s just part of the business. Ever since the residential real estate market began nose-diving seven eight years ago specifically the property valuation fraud has steadily increased. The reason is rather clear; housi...

Esko Kiuru

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