Before you purchase any bank or government foreclosure, you should read this to help you avoid big blunders and mistakes that many buyers make when purchasing a foreclosure. First, and very important, don’t forget contingencies in buying foreclosures. You should only buy properties subject to h
Fourth of July activities for 2011 in Hurricane Utah include the return of the traditional "dynamite blast" early on the morning of July 4th, 2011. In years past, residents of Hurricane Utah began their July 4th celebration with one or more dynamite blasts. This tradition was discontinued many
Fourth of July at Vernon Worthen Park in St George Utah is an annual event and tradition for many residents! Festivities are being held this year on Monday, July 4th, 2011. Start your day off with a home cooked breakfast provided by Staheli's Catering (7:30am-10:00am) in the park – $5.00 per adu
The Gunlock Rodeo began in 1945 and has become a tradition for many southern Utah families each year. The event runs this year from Thursday, June 30 through Saturday, July 2, 2011 and begins each evening at 8 pm. The Gunlock Rodeo was started by some of the locals who were "World War II" guys
Sunbrook Golf Community is a wonderful place to purchase a second/vacation home because there are so many amenities, it always feels like a vacation when you're there. Some of the amenities include an air conditioned year round indoor pool and an outdoor pool with spa, fitness room, lit tennis c
Here is the Entrada at Snow Canyon market statistics illustrating average list price and average sales price of homes in the Entrada area for May 2011 and a year to date analysis as well. The average listing price in May 2010 was $983,579, in May 2011 it was $870,337. Average sold price in May
You can't beat a free round of golf at Sun River Golf course in St George Utah! If the temperature is over 100 degrees, the golf is free. All you have to pay for is the cart fee of $16, that's a pretty good deal. Because we haven't seen many days this year reach 100 degrees yet, SunRiver Golf c
Entrada at Snow Canyon is comprised of several communities such as Paiute Springs, Chaco Bench, Anasazi Ridge, The Cliffs and Kachina Springs. Some of the amenities available to all homeowners in Entrada are a 13,000 sq. ft. sports and fitness center complete with the latest fitness equipment, te
There's a new barbecue joint in town, namely Dickey's Barbecue Pit located at 2610 S. Pioneer Rd. St George Utah. I had been hearing a lot of good things about their barbecue and the free ice cream and pickles! I decided to give it a try several weeks ago and I loved it. In fact, I've been bac
Several years ago my daughter and I had the chance to visit Paris France. A client of mine was an American but had lived in Paris for the last twenty years and invited us to go back to Paris with her for a visit. It was the chance of a lifetime and a trip we'll both cherish forever. We climbed