Attention Folks - Lloyd wants to grow the Facebook Fridays Group! So I'm following orders - inviting a new member to join our group - meaning YOU! If you're into growing your Facebook Fan presence - this is kind of the perfect group for you. When he wrote this we were at 208 members - and now w...
  I'm reblogging this. Mainly because Richard Yates has complete control over my mind. But also because I agree with him 100% - reblogging is a great feature of ActiveRain. It allows you to share helpful information as well as network and help your neighbours - which is one of my favorite things ...
Ever wonder what page of Google you're on? Did you know that you can find out? This is kind of fun! For those of you who are curious - I thought I'd share this pretty cool site - What does it do? Exactly what you think it does!  Simply enter the words that you'd like to...
This weekend is an AWESOME weekend to go to the Twilight Drive In - located in Langley BC at 260th Street & Fraser Highway. Starting at 9:45 - Green Lantern Starting at 12:00 - The Hangover 2 Starting at 2:00 am - Arthur What a fun movie line up (If you can stay up that late... I've never been a...
  Yep - it's Friday again! Which means it's time for FACEBOOK FRIDAYS! One day out of the week when we take time to support each other on your Facebook Pages. Join our Facebook Friday group to participate (the group is now over 200 and is growing each week!) Once a month I've taken on the chore ...
First of all - on behalf of Vancouver, I apologize. I want you to know - we're truly embarrassed by our actions last night. It was a horrible deja vous of the 1994 Stanley Cup riot. Only this time it was worse. I'm embarrassed - we're ALL embarrassed. People looted stores, many cars were flipped ...
The reblog feature is disabled on this blog - but I simply had to share it - so I'm forwarding you on to April Sullivan's blog. This tour is so unique - it's narrated by the homeowner and it adds such a personal touch to a virtual tour. What a fantastic idea!  The homeowner seems to have the gift...
What is Facebook Fridays? It's a group started by Gary Coles - basically we all agree to support each other on Facebook - each Friday - choose 5 of these lovely members - hit their link which will take you to their Facebook Fan page - click LIKE - and there you go! Just another way to support ea...
Greater Vancouver housing market holds steady and favours sellers in May! (Lots of words below so I've also included the very straightforward graph - but I've bolded the pertinent info below for your viewing pleasure!) The VANCOUVER, B.C. – June 2, 2011 – Home sales remained at typical springtime...
That's right - the Neo Guys have done it again! A few months ago I posted a pretty racy video of a home for sale in Queensland, Australia. It was done REALLY well! It definitely got my attention! So the Neo guys are back - I'm a big fan. I think they're totally outside the box. Is it racy? Yes. D...

Emily Read

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