In some ways, I see a strong comparison between Skagway, Alaska, and Key West, Florida. Both are pretty much on opposite ends of the world. Of course, if you ask me which place I'd rather be tapping my toes on New Year's Eve, I'm gonna pick Key West for the weather alone, although Skagway is abso
There is another tourist spot outside of Islamorada, north near Key Largo, that my husband thought I wanted to see, but it appeared to be way over-the-top touristry. Instead, I opted to go south to Grassy Key, where Mryl Jeffcoat visited when she toured the Florida Keys, and see the Dolphin Resea
Sometimes, to get the true flavor of a foreign place, you need to frequent tourist spots and do touristry things, even if you don't really feel like it. At least that's what I tell my husband as I drag him from gift shop to gift shop. There is one art store in Islamorada that reminds me of a scen
If you are out tooling around southern Florida or looking for an adventure trip from Islamorada and say to yourself, self, I think it's a great idea to visit Biscayne National Park, you might want to read about the park before venturing forth. OK, we already knew the glass bottom boat had gone ou
These are the days I work for as a Sacramento real estate agent, to spend my winter holiday in Islamorada, sitting on my private deck, spooning plain nonfat yogurt with fresh blueberries into my face and catching from the corner of my eye an anhinga diving into the water to go fishing. In real-li
After the food has stuffed you to the gills, the football games have bored you to tears and you have run out of beer, what else is there to do on Christmas Day but go out to look at homes for sale? Since you can't break into them without the neighbors calling the police, that means you will need
I spotted a blog on the homepage of Active Rain this morning titled something like: It's Christmas so let's ditch our cellphones, and I did not click on it. My mother said if you don't have anything nice to say, come over and sit by her. No, wait, that was Dorothy Parker. Ditch my cellphone, twal
Don't ask me why I pick up those luxury real estate magazines because I'll tell you the devil made me do it. I cannot help myself. Any place I go on vacation, I absolutely MUST know the prices of the homes in that location. It will continue to gnaw at my subconscience unless I know. (In hindsight
I am having a really hard time getting over the fact that an alligator is not green. You may as well have told me there is no such thing as Santa Claus. Even though I have been to Florida a number of times in my life, I have never before been presented with this information, and it's a little uns
Last night we elected to try the Tasting Option for dinner at our hotel, along with a flight. It was not exactly what we had in mind. There were 7 courses, but if this place truly serves the best seabass in the country, I feel sorry for California. It was sort of slimy and similar to the seabass