Pest inspections can be very complicated to understand. Not only is there an initial report, but often the report is followed by a list of suggested repairs that can include not only dry rot, but powder post beetles or termites. Some homeowners do a pest inspection every couple of years, but many
I am not only just going to show you our new kitten, but I'm also uploading a few photos of my history with cats. My first long-term cat was Ashli, a Persian. Followed by Brandon, the Somali. Then Pica, the Silver Chocolate Classic Ocicat came to live with us, in hopes that he would keep Brandon
Possible sellers of a Curtis Park duplex in Sacramento called yesterday to talk about selling. They had checked on the price earlier in the year and was told the 2 bedroom, 1 bath (each side) duplex would sell for $500,000 to $600,000. Yowza. Today's numbers show about $425,000. I asked who the a
I am coming down with a cold this morning, which must have happened after visiting a house with little kids last week. I swear, every time I get around a small child, those germs bounce off the kid and head straight for my immune system. My throat is sore, and my head is congested, but I can't ta
I was so happy to walk down Broadway in Land Park last night with my husband and smush my nose onto the windows of new stores. We have progress now. For years, it seems, many of the storefronts have been closed and / or boarded up. I was very saddened when Broadway Hardware closed doors and the M
The nice thing about being a real estate agent in Sacramento who routinely writes a blog every day is that I get to write about whatever I want to write about, even bubble gum, if the fancy so strikes. And the fancy struck this morning. I woke up after tossing and turning all night, thinking abou
I suspected someday that it would eventually happen, and I've taken great pains to make sure it never happens, but when that day finally arrived, which was yesterday, this East Sacramento agent just about collapsed and cried. I was devasted. The lighting had been perfect, and I had captured it wi
Sometimes, there is nothing more a Sacramento real estate agent can do to move a listing until the seller decides to get on board and make the changes the agent suggests. There are sellers who don't hear the suggestions. Words can sometimes fall on deaf ears because people tend to hear only what
I'm not sure what happened with my old Samsung, because I never had this feature, but my new iPhone now tells me when I am receiving multiple phone calls -- meaning, when I am on the phone talking to a person, and another call comes in, followed by a third call, my phone tells me this. This featu
Don't feel bad, for such a simple thing, many people get the date of the purchase contract wrong. Even Bank of America can't seem to get it right. The official date of an accepted contract varies from state to state, but in California, that date is pretty standard, especially when the parties hav