You can spend your entire life travelng to view wildlife and never shoot a photograph like this in the wild. Our guide carried a rifle, along with bear spray, just in case. We photographed a lot of black bears, and a brown bear by the shore. I have photos of bears eating fish and dripping blood
This rock is more than 200 feet tall, and I only wish that there had been a whale next to it for comparison purposes. This upper part of the totem pole in the Whale House in Kasaan is more than 200 years old, and is actually part of a support column. There are 4 huge logs that are used as column
We are learning about trees in Misty Fjords, and how to tell the difference between a Sitka Spruce, cedar and hemlock. The cedar leaves are soft and the tip of the tree curls a bit; the Sitka branches spread out upward like the palms of your hands reaching up to the sky, and hemlock is what's le
Metlakatla totem pole on Annette Island is dedicated to US Armed Forces veterans. The Tsimshian live on Annette Island and these young dancers are like rock stars! Waiting for our ship to dock at Metlakatla. My husband warned that I might offend people by wearing my
When the cruiseships leave town, Ketchikan is very quiet and deserted. When it's not raining, it's raining. The way the sun peeks through the clouds over the water cast an eerie shadow on this church and the buildings way down the street. This is a creek where the salmon spawn. I did not know th
I have this strange urge to adopt some of these guys and take them back to Sacramento with me, perhaps offer them a new home in my front yard, next to the maples. My husband says they would clash with our decor, but I say totem poles go with everything -- just like you can wear blue jeans with a
People who think Sacramento real estate is boring must not really work in real estate. I swear, if you don't like the direction things are moving, just wait a few weeks and the momentum will shift. This is a business in which you've always got to stay on top, and part of that can be accomplished
Communicating with people, whether friend or stranger, requires a certain type of vocabulary. It's true especially in professional situations. I would no sooner call my doctor and ask her to get me a F-ing appointment or she'll be #%@#* than I would throw a Linda Blair at an office meeting. It's
Timing the real estate market in Sacramento is something every seller wishes he or she could do but it's not very realistic. It's about as realistic as believing that what I'm about to write is a topic that I've never written about before. You see, because I write so much online, sometimes, befor
AS IS condition in real estate does not only apply to short sales but in a hot Sacramento seller's market, AS IS clauses are very common, especially among multiple offers. AS IS means AS IS but sometimes buyers tend to think it means maybe. It doesn't mean maybe. I try to use a little humor in my