Part of the downfall to being that Sacramento real estate agent who always answers her phone is one tends to receive a lot of telemarketing calls from phone solicitors. Junk calls. Everybody solicits nowadays. From those selling real estate services to agents to, well, those selling real estate s
My husband and I were watching a while back an episode of Girls on HBO in which Lena Dunham's boyfriend is running down the sidewalk while simultaneously talking to her via real-time video on his cellphone. She can see him and he can see her. If I had any kids, I would already know this stuff, bu
Sunday was interesting in Sacramento, as many Sundays are, and I'm not just talking about holding an Open House or attending an Open House, the official Sunday afternoon pastime in California. In fact, I had two open houses yesterday, and we probably have a buyer who will write an offer today fro
A fun thing about working with bank negotiators is when a Sacramento real estate agent gets to step back from the transaction and watch them try to throw darts blindfolded. I had one of those last week. Let's call the negotiator Timothy because, well, because his name is Timothy. And he works at
Not only do I sell real estate in Land Park as a Land Park agent who specializes in the area, but I also live in Land Park. I've lived in Upper Land Park for more than a decade. I was here for the sudden increase in prices in early 2000, the real estate bubble in 2005 and the rebounding market of
Sometimes we do things not because they are convenient, not because they are popular and not because you want to -- because they are probably not convenient and not popular and you don't want to. You do it because it needs to be done and it doesn't look like anybody else is doing it. Then, that r
There's been a bit of a buzz over the Sacramento Bee headline from a few days ago. It was a recap from a press release put out by Zillow, but at least the Bee had the good sense to verify the data through several other data sources. Basically, it said home prices were up 30% in Sacramento, and th
That stranger standing in line in front of you at the grocery store might turn around and befriend you, perhaps talk about a story on the cover of a magazine in the rack at the check-out counter, or the slow-moving cashier or even the outrageous price of a carton of organic eggs, but that doesn't
See, I never ask myself that question, what is the job of a Sacramento real estate agent, because I know the answer. It's to close escrow and keep everybody happy while doing it. Sometimes, agents want to complicate the situation and toss wrenches into negotiations, stomp feet, storm out the door
There was a time last year when I was juggling more than 70 escrows a month, most of them were short sales. That market in Sacramento has finally slowed down. I predicted it was over last spring and got push-back on it. But the statistical facts tell a pretty convincing story about short sales in