Yes, I have to thank Myrl for this great trip to Sausalito over the weekend, and I did thank her in my blog about that trip. We go to San Francisco 3 or 4 times a year from Sacramento. Sometimes by train, the Capitol Corridor, and sometimes I drive there. My husband, a guy who grew up taking trai
Every once in a while, I get a superwoman story to blog about. A heart-warming story that tends to restore any lost faith in Sacramento real estate agents -- lost faith that a person might not have realized was misplaced until a person went looking for it. There are many reasons why some agents p
Unlike most people who reflect on New Year's Day, I generally save my reflection time for my birthday. If I am to look back on the past year and think about the future, I'd rather do it when billions of other people aren't clogging up the brainwaves. We usually do something nice on my birthday, l
I plopped down in front of the computer this morning to bang out my daily blog post, when I felt that big ol' paw tapping my shoulder. I looked down and sure enough, it was Pica, the Ocicat, tapping my arm in that Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon sort of way. He then reminded me that I
June will most likely be my best month for this year. I am hoping to top $5 million for this month. Hard to say what will happen in the fall as that seems so far away, but our fall market could be just as busy as spring. The market is very tight in Sacramento. The squirrelly thing about our weird
It's fun to watch people in the rain and how they react. Especially in Sacramento where we get, what? Two big rainstorms a year? Maybe? Of course, they are doozies when they hit, but most of the time, rain is light and not much of a big deal. It's been raining for a second day in a row in June, w
My favorite day of the year is June 21, because it is the longest day of the year. It's like summer goes on forever. After June 21st, the days get shorter and shorter and shorter until before you know it, it's raining all of the time and you've got to cover up the cactus plants before they freeze
Rumors disturb me. That's because rumors are the lazy agent's way to receive information. Somebody, somewhere tells them not to do something, and they write it in blood on their forehead without a second thought. Take buying a short sale, for example, when Nationstar has the first loan and there
Today's blog is about a topic I had initially thought to write yesterday, but since yesterday was my one-million-point blog at Active Rain, I did not want it to be about a bad interpretation of the California Homeowner Bill of Rights. That's not a law that is of interest to very many people. It m
When I post this particular blog and bring it to life at its publishing origination spot -- which is part of the community of Active Rain, a meeting spot of thousands of real estate agents across the country -- this particular blog will raise my personal point level on Active Rain to that of a mi