I've been in the real estate industry since 1989, have watched the business evolve and technology take over.  When I began, I was ahead of the curve, online and technology savvy.  Today, I sometimes feel as though I'm running in place to keep up with the rapid changes.   Back when real estate fir...
A savvy manager at one of the offices I freelance at sent around this great article written by Shawn Tully, Senior Editor at Large, who has been making calls since 1880 with pretty good success.  This article entitled,  Real Estate: It's Time to Buy Againposted March 28th, makes a simple but stro...
The New York Times has posted two fascinating interactive articles recently, both of them Mapping America.  The first one I came upon compared 2000 and 2010 census data by  zip code showing various social, economic and real estate issues.  I posted the article, Mapping America; Every City, Every ...

Emily LeBow

Broker Associate
Contact The Author
Thoughts, comments and suggestions about how to market yourself and your listings. Hope you find my posts interesting and, from time to time, helpful. Look forward to comments, questions and new ideas about real estate, marketing and social media. -Emily