Besides 365 days of sunshine and 80 degree weather another perk of being a permanent Florida residents is being able to take advantage of a tax saving called Homestead Exemption. This exemptions offers a $25,000 tax credit on the first and second tax amount of the assessed value of the owners occ
There is a certain excitement that comes when you beginning the hunt for your new home! You've got your checklist of all the must have's and all the things that would be a deal breaker. Deciding to purchase a home is a big decision, probably one of the biggest you'll make as an adult.When buying
Easter Egg Hunts 2016HOP ON OVER AND ENJOY ONE OF THE MANY EASTER EGG HUNTS EVENTS GOING ON IN BROWARD, COUNTY THIS EASTER 2016! Have an Egg-ceptionally Wonderful Easter!Download your FREE copy HERE Download your FREE copy HERE Thank you for downloading your FREE copy of the local Easter happen