The newest Houston Real Estate market report is out and shows the luxury home market has made a sharp rebound. Homes in the $700,000 - $799,000 range were up 56%, $900,000-$999,999 were up 19% and homes above $1 million were up 31%. This is very good news because for each and every luxury home th...
The latest Houston Real Estate market report is out and shows the luxury home market has made a sharp rebound. Homes in the $700,000 - $799,000 range were up 56%, $900,000-$999,999 were up 19% and homes above $1 million were up 31%. This is great news because for each luxury home that is sold, th...
With the ever changing housing and mortgage regulation, as industry professionals and concerned homebuyers and homeowners, we must be aware of laws that could considerably help or hamper our ability to either sustain our profession or sell or purchase a home. In a response to events over the last...
You might have had to read the title of this article a second time to make sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on you. The latest MLS statistics are out and they show a 2% drop in sales for February 2011 when compared to the same month last year. While a drop in sales is usually not greeted wit...
If you are looking to buy a new home in Houston and are on the fence, your decision just became easier. Builder Magazine just ranked real estate in Houston as the #7 Top Housing Market for 2011. With an expected 30% rise in the number of permits filed, buying a new home should be easier in 2011. ...
We can all remember the loan guidelines from a few years ago when just about anybody that wanted to buy a home could qualify for some type of mortgage program. While this produced a surge in home ownership, the relaxed lending guidelines is cited by some as a contributing factor in the current st...
Houston Realtor Paul Silverman has joined Heritage Texas Properties as a Broker Associate at their Post Oak Park location. Along with his 10 professional designations, Mr. Silverman brings over 15 years of experience in the real estate field including new construction, sales, marketing, mortgage ...
Real Estate in Houston is off to a great start in 2011. Although it is only early February, we are already seeing some very promising signs that buying a home in Houston will be a great move this year. Our first glimpse of the market came with promising signs for the first few weeks. Here are a f...
Houston Realtor Paul Silverman has now completed the National Association of Realtor's "Successful Relocation Representation" course. "With Houston being one of the top relocation destinations in the country, it will be a great asset to have this additional training to help families not only find...
Is the glass half full or half empty? This is a common phrase used to judge optimism. When looking back at the Houston real estate in the last year, most of us would definitely see the glass as ¾ full. While several of the benchmarks showed numbers not indicative of gains, when compared to the na...