BEFORE YOU BUY A FORECLOSURE Get Answers to These Important Questions Before you make an offer to buy a property in foreclosure, consider your answers to these 4 questions. •1. What's the first thing a buyer should do? As a popular movie once said, "Show me the money!" Do you have cash o...
Investors Attracted to Bargain Basement Prices For Bank Owned Foreclosures.For a growing number of investors, Detroit's housing slump is seen as an opportunity to implement the well worn maxim "buy low and sell high". This does not mean taking a short term view but instead focusing on what ha...
Starting Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 1pm, and running through Thursday, March 27, 2008 an auction of houses will take place at the Doubletree Hotel-Dearborn. On Saturday March 29 and Sunday March 30, more houses will be auctioned at the Ford Motor Company Conference & Event Center.(near The Henry...
How to Buy Foreclosed Houses & Keep Your Sanity at the Same Time As a real estate broker and investor for many years, I am sometimes asked by newcomers how I manage to hold on to my sanity in this crazy business. Tip 1. Work with an experienced real estate agent who specializes in foreclosed pro...
Detroit, Michigan (BRltyLLC)- REO (real estate owned) brokerage firm Bond Realty LLC will soon celebrate 7 years in business, serving buyers and sellers of foreclosed houses in Metro Detroit. Bank owned properties are found in upscale, middle class and economically challenged neighborhoods t...
As a former "Trekkie", I came to embrace this Vulcan greeting from Mr. Spock. What better way for everyone involved in the real estate market to look at our current market situation. I firmly believe you have to be an eternal optimist to make it in this business. Having been through good times...