The most important thing your clothes dryer needs is clear exhaust; most dryers fail to operate as a result of inadequate dryer vent systems. Improperly maintained dryer vent systems can lead to premature failure of bearings, drum rollers, motor, element and other critical parts. Indications o...
Proper dryer vent installation is necessary to promote maximum air flow and prevent dryer fires. Improper installation can also cause condensation leading to mold and mildew damage to your home. Short and Straight The most direct route from the back of the dryer to the vent on the outside of...
Proper dryer vent installation is crucial to safety and efficiency for your clothes dryer. Though kits are sold for indoor dryer vent, they are not safe and they do not provide adequate venting. Venting you clothes dryer to the outside is not an option; it is a requirement! Improper dryer ven...
The goal is to make one million clothes dryers safer and greener by the year 2010 Dryer Vent Wizard is a dryer vent repair and maintenance company who also works to increase public awareness in preventing clothes dryer fires. Poor maintenance is the leading cause of over 15,000 dryer fires oc...
Good news for the economy as Dryer Vent Wizard creates jobs for the unemployed Detroit, MI -- Dryer Vent Wizard is a dryer vent service, repair and installation company who services over 50 major markets in the United States. They recently announced a new franchise training program to boost th...
The nation's largest dryer vent cleaning, repair and installation company is offering new career opportunities Warren, MI - Dryer Vent Wizard is the nation's largest dryer exhaust specialist with over 50 franchises in major markets throughout the US. They are expanding in many market areas to ...
Dryer vent cleaning and repair is recommended to remove lint build-up that reduces air-flow and causes your clothes dryer to work harder. If neglected, this could lead to a dryer fire. An old style dryer vent system or one that is improperly installed can also create a problem. The old fashi...
Dryer vent installation companies recommend annual dryer vent cleaning and maintenance to prevent dryer fires and reduce energy bills. Failure to maintain the dryer vent system will result in higher energy bills and could lead to a dryer fire. Approximately 40 percent of the lint that is remove...
Proper maintenance extends the life of your appliances and reduces the chance of them breaking down. Anything we can do in today's troubled economy helps. Your dryer doesn't require much; it really just needs proper air-flow to work efficiently. Where do you think the heat and moisture are g...
Dryer vent systems constructed of vinyl or flexible foil are not safe; this type of venting is really designed for use in bathroom exhaust fans. Dryer exhaust ducts must be constructed of rigid metal with smooth interiors to promote maximum air flow. Exhaust ducts should be connected with foil ...