Dr. Margot Weinstein's (drmargot) Blog

Education & Training - MW Leadership Consultants LLC
By: Dr. Margot Weinstein, CIPS, CEOMW Leadership Consultants LLC (Consultant & Trainer)Email: drmargot@drmargotweinstein.com  (Pictures of FIABCI Leadership on my Web Site:www.drmargotweinstein.com The Social Networking Site, Facebook, recently advertised that they reached 300 million people worl...
The Social Networking Site, Facebook, recently advertised that they reached 300 million people worldwide. Since the total population for the U.S. is estimated at about 307 million people, Facebook membership is very impressive. As a career consultant in real estate, I know that with the growth of...
"7 Step Writing Process:" Affordable Real Estate Marketing   By Dr. Margot Weinstein, CIPS, TRC  When it comes to marketing your products or services, writing is still the chief form of communication in real estate.  With growth of the Internet and web based communications (i.e. web sites, newsle...
A Mentor Help You Succeed in Real EstateRegardless of the EconomyBy Dr. Margot B. Weinstein, CEO, CIPS, TRCAfter thirty years in the business, I have found that one of the best ways for you to take your real estate career to a new level in any economy, is to find a mentor who is currently more su...
     RECESSION PROOF "7 Steps Career Workbook:" To Build Your Professional Portfolio so you  Can get the job of your dreams. BY DR. MARGOT WEINSTEIN, CEO, CIPS  August 10, 2008, great new book offer, for the first time available in bookstores, libraries,  www.Amazon.com or www.drmargotweinstein....
  "8 Habits of Real Estate Super Stars TO Make Money in 2008""by: Dr, Margot Weinstein, CIPS. CEO, Career Consultant.The real estate business is changing dramatically---so are you changing the wayyou do business? If you aren't, you will loose many opportunities to make money in 2008.I have been a...
Dr. Margot offers Huge discounts - on orders of 10 books or more before New Year's: Order now!From Dr. Margot Weinstein: If you buy 10 books or more through New Year's:  "7 Steps To Find Your Perfect Career"  will cost only $10.00 each  instead of $15.00 each plus shipping & Handling. (Career str...
             How To Make More Money in 2008: Interview with Dagmar Sands, FIABCI-USA  President                              By Author, Dr. Margot Weinstein, CEO, CIPSMaking money in a slower market can be very challenging. From my experiences as a practitioner, consultant, speaker and educator/t...
FIABCI offers outstanding opportunities to do busienss. We are now explowing technogy and new ways to add value.  I am very interested in this since I am a speaker/consultant on top ways to make money. Hope to see more professionals join FIABCI.
Dr. Weinstein's"7 strategies for 2007 successin Real Estate Dr. Margot Weinstein, CIPS, TRC  You can't watch TV or read newspapers without people saying "The real estate boom is over," or "We are in a cooling market, especially in the US home industry."  But that is not the story I am receiving f...

Dr. Margot Weinstein

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