In a buyer’s market, sellers feel like they will need the help of real estate agents to sell their home. They’ll need more and better marketing as well as more showings in order to have their home stand out from the crowd. In a seller’s market, consumers feel like they don’t need a real estate ag...
Over the years, you have heard me say that the best time to sell a home in Colorado is from April through July. In fact, if you look at 2013 as an example, there were 54,000 plus homes and condos that were sold in Denver and surrounding suburbs for the entire year. Of the 54K, 47% were sold betwe...
Can you really afford this home? Here’s a question we, as Realtors, don’t ask our clients. It comes across pushy, demeaning, snotty, and rude. It’s a fair question though isn’t it? Can you really afford this home? It’s even open ended because it’s not just addressing the monthly payment it’s addr...
Do you remember the good old days when all you had to do before buying a home was an inspection? I am sure that there are people who are reading this and were saying, “Inspection? We didn’t need no stinking inspection!” do buy a home. Yes, I believe that there are some of you out there who did so...
Once upon a time people wanted a large home. They wanted 5000, 6000, and 7000 square foot homes decked out to the nine with wine cellars, billiard rooms, multiple kitchens, living rooms, great rooms, and a basement the same size as the upstairs. They wanted these “McMansions” to support their ego...
The lending landscape is tighter than ever even though banks are showing record profits once again. I can understand why lending institutions are being cautious not wanting to fall into the same trap again, but someone has to tell them that they have swung the pendulum too far in the other direct...
When it comes time to decide if you really want the property you should have an inspection done. Don’t use a fly-by-night inspector. Use a company or a person that does quality work, has a great reputation, and that you trust. You want to know all the ins and outs of the house and you’re hoping t...
There really are some important factors that everyone should consider if you want to find your dream home. Here is what I think are the top six things to consider when starting your search. Neighborhood. This seems obvious, but what I like to tell buyers is that when they first start thinking abo...
My wife and I are currently looking to purchase our first home. As a buyer’s agent for my team I am used to seeing home after home and knowing that what it looks like in a photo may not be what it looks like in person; for better or for worse. I think my wife said, “Looking at photos of homes onl...
It’s been a well-known seller’s market for some time now in Denver. Even builders have buyers over a barrel since there is so little re-sale inventory. This is much to the dismay of many buyers in the market.  I have heard this many times before from buyers, “Dan, I feel like I am buying at the t...

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