You can ignite the flame of your subconscious mind to create the motivation for achieving your goals and coping with change. During these times of crisis, shocking news of terrorism, biological warfare and sliding economic conditions you can transform your thinking and refocus your mind to achiev...
Positioning or should I say extreme positioning has become a critical skill for competing with a sales and marketing edge. It's virtually impossible to remain a recluse wishing that we never had to come out from behind our computers. Regardless of how compelling technology has become in influenci...
We tend to look at champions like Michael Jordan who makes the game of basketball look easy, while rarely giving consideration to the endless hours of work at practicing that which makes winning possible. We don't see the years of training, practice and the power of concentration that made grea...
Marketing and advertising has long used techniques based on self-hypnosis. Savvy Marketers know that a message repeated again and again can sink into the deepest subconscious level of a person's mind. Repetition of a message is so effective in triggering self-hypnosis that we begin to hum or si...
Success arguably is a process of small steps. Yes. There are those who have experienced some whimsical flash of luck by hitting the lottery or inheriting large sums of money - but rarely could you call them successful. Clearly, many people experience different forms of success. Winning in a ...
What is the Greatest Challenge You Face in Life & Business? How would you answer that question? Before jumping to an answer you might consider that the greatest challenge you face in life and business is in making daily choices. The moment we awaken we begin the stressful tack of choice and deci...