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$150/Monthly Full Service Property Management for San Diego County Property Owners. 1st Prime Realty is a Full Service Real Estate Company located in San Diego County California. We Offer Real Estate Sales, and Property Management Services. We are dedicated...
Email Marketing will Increase your Leads, and Business.If you are in Business, Email Marketing can increase your Sales. If you have a Follow-Up System that's effective, you will retain more Prospects and Convert them into Clients. Engage customers.Drive leads.Increase sales. AWeber is the trust...
I have more LEADS than I can Handle. It's Time to Bring on Agents to Help. I'm looking forward in Boosting my Business with these Real Estate Leads. My Goal is to List 15 Homes per Month with this New found LEAD Source. I'm not going to Over Hype this, but Wow!!! I'm Impressed, and Ready to E...
5 Reasons WHY your Home didn't Sell...Timing is Everything!!!Your Home didn't sell, because no one made an Offer. Are you surprised by this simple answer? It's obvious you already know the Real Estate Agent you hired didn't present you with an Offer for your Home. Who's fault is it your Home d...
Looking to Rent in San Diego County? 1st Prime Realty can help you find the Right Home for Rent. We have Access to 1000's of Vacancies in San Diego County. Let us know what you are looking for:-Single Family Residence(Detached House)-Condominium.-Apartment.-Town House.-Room for Rent.-Vacation R...
Renting a Home in San Diego? How much is your Monthly Rent? The Cost of Renting a Home in San Diego is between $1,500 - $3,800+ per Month. The Monthly Rental on a Property also depends on Location, Style, and Amenities. How much are you spending towards Rent per Year? $18,000 - $45,600 per Year...