Homer Alaska Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Bay Realty,Inc Homer Alaska
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 Welcome Shorebirders!Everyone Knows that the Bird is the Word!Kachemak ShoreBird Festival Homer AlaskaFind Your Nest Here!Homes, Multi Family, Land or Business  We Will Help You Find What You are Looking for! Call 907-235-6183 for more Information! #BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #RealEsta...
Spring Has Sprung!!Check Our Ad in This Week's Homer News! Homes, Multi Family, Land or Business  We Will Help You Find What You are Looking for! Call 907-235-6183 for more Information! #BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #RealEstateforSaleinAlaskaBay Realty Offers You the Knowledge You Need to...
Check Our Ad in This Week's Homer News! Homes, Multi Family, Land or Business  We Will Help You Find What You are Looking for! Call 907-235-6183 for more Information! #BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #RealEstateforSaleinAlaskaBay Realty Offers You the Knowledge You Need to Sell, Rent or Buy ...
We are All Very Proud of You Jill!Sky's the Limit!!Check Our Ad in This Week's Homer News! Homes, Multi Family, Land or Business  We Will Help You Find What You are Looking for! Call 907-235-6183 for more Information! #BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #RealEstateforSaleinAlaskaBay Realty Offe...
Welcome John Mink to Our Bay Realty Team!While You are HereCheck Our Ad in This Week's Homer News! Homes, Multi Family, Land or Business  We Will Help You Find What You are Looking for! Call 907-235-6183 for More Information!#BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #RealEstateforSaleinAlaskaBay Real...
Hard to believe it is already April 2024!  Bay Realty is Covered in Fresh White Snow! We have had a long winter and as April 1st Snowstorm showed us, we are not in the Spring Mode yet! However, it looks to be another good year here on the Southern Kenai Peninsula and Spring is Just around the Cor...
Check out our Ad in This week's Homer News! Looking for Homes, Multi family, Land or a Business? We Will Help You Find What You are Looking for! Call 907-235-6183 for more Information! #BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #HomesforsaleinAlaskaBay Realty Offers You the Knowledge You Need to Sell,...
Check out our Ad in This week's Homer News! Looking for Homes, Multi family, Land or a Business? Call 907-235-6183 for more Information!#BayRealtyAlaska #HomesforsaleinHomer #HomesforsaleinAlaskaBay Realty Offers You the Knowledge You Need to Sell, Rent or Buy Property on the Kenai Peninsula.  In...
Sure N Begora! Hoping You have a Happy St Patrick's Day!Call Bay Realty 907-235-6183 or visit us at www.BayRealtyAlaska.Com#HomerAlaska  #kachemakbay #BayRealtyAlaska #VisitHomer #AlaskaLiving #KenaiPeninsula #homesweethomer @BayRealtyAlaskaBay Realty Offers You the Knowledge You Need to Sell, Re...
Spring Really is Coming!  But for Now, We will Just Spring Forward!!  Sunday Morning at 2AM... March 10,2024. So Change Your Clocks for One Hour Ahead. Then Think About Spring Being Just Around the Corner Be Positive!! Bay Realty Offers You the Knowledge You Need to Sell, Rent or Buy Property on ...

Debra Leisek

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