I've been out of the AR dialog since the 18th of Novemeber. So I check in this morning only to find an email comment from "Ms. Jane C. Wetego of West Africa". Being somewhat versed in internet scams I nearly fell over. This is one of the oldest on line come ons from one of the worlds KNOWN sca...
RESOLUTION AT LONG LAST! All has finally come together, the Seller's attorney has sent the closing package to the Buyer's Lender. The lender has gotten underwriting to do their thing and we are to close this afternoon. The last problem was to obtain a local attorney who would witness the sign...
Networking the forgotten art of becoming connected and staying connected to others with a common interest. There are innumerable mechanisms for networking organizations ranging from the PTA, city counsel to sports clubs, lounges, the internet blog, etc. Recently I became interested in the membe...
Resolution? Well it looks good but it isn't a done deal yet. As of yesterday and a half dozen conference calls, and at least that many emails the Seller's Attorney has agreed to issue an insured titled, accept the abstrate work done by the Buyer's Attorney and to have it put to bed in 72 hours....
It's been approximately 2 or 3 days since the first installment of "When Seller's Attorney and Buyer's Attorney Clash and here is the latest in what I am beginning to believe will be a blown deal. Seller's attorney remains fixed in his position that the title he has provided is good. Buyers at...
The beginning of this story is rather simple. Investor wants property. Broker finds property which is a foreclosure. Buyer makes an acceptable offer, Seller accepts offer. Awh… this is really easy. Closing set for three weeks. Buyer’s attorney receives contract and begins title search. Abs...
For those of you who are not in the SEC (South Eastern Conference) the Georgia – Florida game probably holds little significance. However, being here on St. Simons Island, 70 miles from the annual “World’s Largest Cocktail Party” is a true adventure. An adventure which begins roughly three days...
Last evening I received a call from a client who wanted some advice as the result of a call he had received from a realtor he had met while in Arizona. It seems he had visited a project, which was being developed and had expressed an interest in a 20 mini ranch. You see the project is composed ...
Well folks here is one for open discussion. I ran across it by accident when a client asked if I was aware of project X. I said no and he said you need to meet Jim, the developer. Therefore, since he was driving I came along. I was introduced to the Developer and we spent nearly three hours t...
I've just completed reading an exceptional article that is concise about the "Lead Based Paint Disclosure Rule" here in Georgia. The Article was written by Seth Weissman, a rather talented individual who serves as the General Counsel for the Georgia Association of Realtors. This article was pu...