I know that we all are concerned with the current downward turn in the market. Why there are few new buyers out there. You are probably sitting there thinking "I'm spending more on personal and company ads, I've tweaked my website, I take floor duty and I make my calls too but nothing seems to b...
My bride has introduced me to a site entitled It has three levels of website interface. Standard (which is totally FREE), Professional, which costs you around $50 a month and Premium ($100 something a month). We all are utilizing the net to expose ourselves ( not th...
So why are we being solicited by folks who are hawking Multi-leveled Marketing schemes not just through our AR email contact but via telephone? Phone calls which clearly state the saw my profile and have the permission of AR President to contact ME. Now I don't know about anyone else but frankl...
So what do you do in an over loaded market?Here in the Golden Isles we currently have a 26 month supply of product on the market and the builders continue to build. Sellers approach me on a regular basis wanting to sell homes and land. I take the attitude that they've come to me as the Professi...
What Do You Do With Crappy Loan Officers? My rhetorical question sounds like I am picking on bank loan officers exclusively, far from it. My primary complaint is with a couple of modest sized "Finance Companies" who apparently hire folks who have difficulty chewing gum and walking at the sam...
Recently, I received a call from a past client whose elderly mother had an interesting visitor. It seems that a well dressed male rang her door bell, introduced himself and proceeded to inform her that he had pruchased the property several years before at a tax sale and he was now calling in the...
Yesterday was a rather unusual day. To begin with it was Sunday and I rarely work on Sunday but I had a client who had seen another Brokers Listing two other times. She wanted to make an offer but also wished to do so in person to the Seller. In this part of the world (Saint Simons Island, Geo...
Here's an interesting one for you. Broker acting as principal through listing and selling his inherited is parents home. Associate Broker in same office, who is also the designated broker of record when the Broker/Owner is absent develops a client relationship with a young professional couple w...
It occurred to me this morning in reading a blog by Eric Bouler entitled Localism Photos, should photos be by local area Members only? That in doing an overview of "The Golden Isles" entitled So What are the Golden Isles I'd neglected to include many of the smaller areas incorporated and not that...
Well as I suspected in the first part of "Scammer Are Knocking At AR's Door Again Part I" the scammers responde to my " Sure What Can I do to Help Response. Below you will find a response that contains all the classic flags. Read on and see what they are offering and then I'll try to provide yo...