Enjoy! or not...... THE REAL PROBLEM WITH OUR GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM - - - - The folks who are getting free stuff, Don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, Because the folks who are paying for the free stuff, Can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff....
This sign was prominently displayed in front of a business in Florida and you are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory sign.However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps one of our greatest liberties.And after all, it is only a sign, right? (Real all the ...
Yep, cattle rustling has become a little more technical than the western days. Long are the days of literally roping the cattle from a herd. Fake identities, fake companies, and lots of bad checks.....this is the new cattle rustling. According to the Associated Press, an East Texas Man from Ath...
Just when you think you've read it all... A man was knocked unconscious and a ketchup bottle poured over his head on Sunday close to the 1200 block of South Loop 288 in Denton Texas. The man was found by a store employee the next morning as the employee was watering plants in a shed near the st...
Night Time Maintenance Work Continues on I-35E in Denton County Roadway striping will commence from U.S. 77 to SH 190 (George Bush Turnpike) DENTON – The Texas Department of Transportation is continuing road surface maintenance work on I-35E in Denton County. Weather permitting; various lanes bot...
If you've not experienced the fun and evens at The North Texas State Fair and Rodeo, then you've missed out! 9 Days of Music, Fun and Rodeo. Click the links below to find out more information: NTSF Awarded ‘Best Overall’ Third Year in a Row!!!! Free music concerts and rodeo events Daily Schedule ...
If you've not experienced the fun and evens at The North Texas State Fair and Rodeo, then you've missed out! 9 Days of Music, Fun and Rodeo. Click the links below to find out more information: NTSF Awarded ‘Best Overall’ Third Year in a Row!!!! Free music concerts and rodeo events Daily Schedule...
Frenchy’s Lawn and Tree Service plans Mow-a-Thon The first Frenchy’s Lawn and Tree Service/United Way of Denton of County Mow-a-Thon is planned on Thursday August 18th. On that day only, all proceeds from new customers of Frenchy’s Lawn and Tree Service will go to the United Way of Denton Coun...
I know it's not so easy trying to solve our country's financial problems when the 545 people of power are split down the middle, but thought this cartoon was a close resemblance of how they compromise. Have a great day!
The hot, dry weather doesn't just affect humans. Animals also succumb to this horror of a heatwave. That's why a Denton County wildlife ranch is taking extreme measures to protect its residents from the scorching temperatures. Owners of the Sharkarosa Ranch have been challenged in tryping to care...