Diane Gerdes's (dianegerdes) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - The Mortgage Advantage, Inc.
FHA, VA , FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC are all open for business, thank you.  Mortgage money is abundant and it is cheap.  Stop listening to talk radio and the doomsayers on television.  FHA and VA's   underwriting guidelines have been modified  for the better (except for the "buy and bail" but you...
We all need a little sugar today. The globe is in its own version of an economic wrestling smack down, but no one is pretending.  Fear is driving these matches of "where do I put my money".  In the far East,   the cash cow Asians are taking their money out of their stock markets and banks and put...
Good morning comrades. “Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the heart and minds of men… there must be strict supervision of all banking and credits: and investments, so that there will be an end to speculation with other people's...
The party is Over, Over, Over and the mother of all hangovers is not going away anytime soon. The cleanup is just beginning with the Fed’s refusing to bail Lehman Brothers out of their financial jail ; AIG is rumored to soon topple and Bank of America (Ken Lewis, CEO, really is Superman, by first...
  Lenders were skipping and singing this week with interest rates taking a swing downward with Uncle Sam's dramatic Sunday morning take-over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; orchestrated by Hank Paulson, Secretary of Treasury, and friend of all things Chinese.  Mr. Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sa...
The demise of the American Economy was put on hold this week with several items of good news; starting with the announcement of April to June’s Gross Domestic Product, one of the measures of national income and output for a our country's economy. GDP is defined as the total market value of goods ...
A piece of the American pie is fading fast with one of the last of the zero down programs, eliminated by HR3221, Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 , kicking Down Payment Assistance programs Ameridream and Nehemiah to the curb October 1st. Most banks are requiring close of escrow before th...
Ahh, Beijing, sponsor of the 2008 Olympics, home of the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall of China. Just do not inhale. With the pollution over 5 times the World Health Organization’s recommended levels, the murky air quality makes site-seeing a chore. Watching the Olympics on...
Clergy from all faiths were called upon this week to give last rites to Down Payment Assistance Programs, Nehemiah and Ameridream. Builders through out the United States were on their knees praying for a miracle and promising they would never inflate prices again and would play nice with everyone...
Save the date! It will be official after October 1st. The union of FannieMae, FreddieMac and the Federal government will have the blessing of law with all of the rights of intermingling including an unlimited checking account balance if they were to ever need it. After reading the massive, 700 pa...

Diane Gerdes

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