Diane Gerdes's (dianegerdes) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - The Mortgage Advantage, Inc.



  We all came to the imaginary money pyramid build around 2004 by the extreme profit seekers on Wall Street.   The architects with names like Bernard Madoff , John Thain and  Hank Paulson may have learned from Charles Ponzi.  In the 1920's Charles Ponzi invested unsuspecting individual's hard ear...
Now that I have got your attention, you may have heard that there have been some changes in the mortgage industry. Now, it is all about educating our clients that our world has gone through an extreme make-over.   Guidelines have changed. In addition to the new updates, banks have modified the gu...
Did you receive an end of the year bonus? Nope, neither did we. But John Thain, the former CEO of the once mighty Merrill Lynch orchestrated a pay-out of 4 billion dollars in bonuses December 29th , three days before the finalized shotgun marriage with Bank of America. Barely three weeks, into th...
   How does the U. S. economy compare to the Arizona Cardinals?  Our team, (yes, just like "our country" they are "our team") is the oldest team in professional American football founded in 1898 and like a lot of snowbirds, their original home was in Chicago.   Less than two years ago the Cardina...
“Old acquaintances be forgotten and never brought to mind” 2008 would be the year most of us would like to forget. Of all the gifts we could return to Sears, or in this case Uncle Sam, it would be the Economy of 2008. Keep it, we do not want it. 2009, on the other hand, is filled with promise and...
“Old acquaintances be forgotten and never brought to mind” 2008 would be the year most of us would like to forget. Of all the gifts we could return to Sears, or in this case Uncle Sam, it would be the Economy of 2008. Keep it, we do not want it. 2009, on the other hand, is filled with promise an...

Diane Gerdes

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