Just got back from a great trip to Iquitos , the source of the Amazon River in North East Peru.I have great connections (Peruvian wife and family, and will be happy to advise and help any of you who'd like to travel to Peru, The Amazon, Machu Picchu (the lost city of the Incas) and of course to N
Hi guys, does anyone out there know of a good internet site, to buy leads from, ( that services Toronto as well) I'd really appreciate any help or ideas in this regard. Please mail me at dhemmings@trebnet.com or see my website for all my info at www.torontolocalrealestate.com.Thanks in anticipati
...my previous blog was not meant to be negative, those that know me, know that I am positively positive to the nth degree. There definitely is a slow down, here in Toronto.Prices have dropped by 11% in the city and sales are down 35% over last year in October. We are not in a recession and were
in slow times.I am taking this opportunity to do the things I did not have time for in better times.I am training 3 times a week on weights in the gym and swimming laps 4 days a week.I am frantically trying to get myself at top speed for the 50 and 100 metres freestyle race, in the Canadian Provi
real Esatate market.Even though our banks didn't collapse, and our economy grew, albeit at only .09%, the socialist Mayor of our city here, has managed, what even a weaker economy couldn't achieve, adrop in home prices in the GTA area of 15% and sales of 25% Do you find that local politicians hav
Hey you guys we here in Canada just re-elected a good old conservative government( probably left of your democrats.)So we will cruise along politically correct and safe and sound in our usual fence sitting role.Can you believe there was a bigger interest in your race than ours.Probably due to the
What's the difference between Sarah's pit bull and David's Blog? David's has a tale to tell, Sarah has a tail to lose.Just a thought not meant to be a nasty crack.Just that old Canadian dry humour that is inbred in we Canucks.Have a good day.How about some of you wise guys with some comparisons
With the extra time on hand and being used to running around like a wallpaper hanger with one arm, the best thing to do, is NOT to sulk and worry.This too shall pass, as the old cliche goes.I decided to go to the Gym 3 or 4 times a week and push those weights till my body and bones ached.The res
Perhaps you good folks can help me with a site, Ideas,etc to ontain buyer or seller leads.Conventional ads here in Toronto cost a fortune and the papers or magazine ads progressively get worse.This is not only due to the world financial crisis, because this has been getting progressively worse ov
Wow, interest rates dropped!!Here in Canada they never went up , our economy is still #1 in the world(bragging rights, to counter the cold!!)surprise! With Steven Harper our conservative prime minister heading to be re-elected, things are looking up.Property values increased a little last month,