The Real Remodeling Timeline As interest rates continue to cause gridlock, several of the agents in my ENCORE coaching group have indicated that would-be sellers on their potential client list are considering sticking with their low interest rate mortgage and are choosing to explore remodeling i
Two Powerful Opportunities for Washington Agents Every year around this time, the pace of the world changes. This year in-particular has, and is going to, challenge real estate agents like none other. Over the last year, Agents have had to deal with listing gridlock in our inventory-starved mark
Creating Connections with Community Pages As brokers and agents, we are all tied to our communities and there are so many great ways to get involved too. Some of you reading this today volunteer at shelters, support boys-and-girls clubs, are part of a Rotary Group or community lodge, or maybe yo
Processes and Procedures This afternoon I was teaching my Encore coaching group and we were discussing referral processes and it really made me think about how important it is for agents to have a procedure for everything in their business. For example, what is your process for: Taking a new lis
Appreciation: The Secret Weapon in Your Seller Toolbox When someone is thinking about a move, they aren't necessarily focused on the future - they are thinking about why the home they are living in doesn't meet their needs now. The challenge in the current market is that sellers want to move, bu
The Power of Transaction Process Visuals As busy real estate professionals, you understand the ins-and-outs of a transaction and can operate one like clockwork. However, buyers and sellers are often unsure about the process, even if they just bought or sold a few years ago. Furthermore, the buye
What is Your Move Mark? Virtually everyone has a challenge with their home. Maybe they wish it were just a little closer to town, want a soaking tub in the primary bathroom, have less upkeep, or more energy-efficiency. Most people will live with a few of these issues until it just becomes too mu
Summer Market Opportunities Today I want to talk about Summer real estate market opportunities - not just for selling, but for your buyers too! This is a fantastic time to be out there in real estate. Summer is a perfect time for both buyers and sellers. First, let's talk about buying opportunit
Parking Matters As urban and suburban areas across the country struggle to add more density to their city centers, the issue of parking is going to become a weightier topic and one that you as a real estate professional need to be aware of. Some cities have done a great job of developing with wa
We have been working with Sharon Scott since 2005 when Shauna built her first brand (one of Shauna's all-time favorites, by the way!). Sharon's life and business has changed since then and it was time for a real new brand.Over the years we have done a few partial refreshes, but now it was time to