This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 27 propetries sold: 25 Residential Homes, 2 Single Family Building Lots or plots of land, no Commercial Properties, and no Multifamily Units. 25 Residential Homes Ranging in Price from $20,500 to $408,000 2 Parcels of Land Ranging in P
Jamison Pack, founder of LEXOR Financial, was my Special Guest on Open house with Dena this past Saturday, and he shared valuable information about How Home Ownership affects your ability to Qualify for College Financial Aid. Jamison explained that he specializes in the late-stage area of colleg
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 95 New Listings were submitted. The breakdown by type is 64 Residential Homes, 22 Parcels of Land, 1 Commercial Properties, and 8 Multifamily Units. 64 Residential Homes Asking Price Range: $29,700 to $434,900 22 Parcels of Land Askin
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 31 propetries sold: 18 Residential Homes, 12 Single Family Building Lots or plots of land, 1 Commercial Property, and no Multifamily Units. 18 Residential Homes Ranging in Price from $30,000 to $199,900 12 Parcels of Land Ranging in Pr
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 97 New Listings were submitted. The breakdown by type is 28 Residential Homes, 58 Parcels of Land, 8 Commercial Properties, and 3 Multifamily Units. 28 Residential Homes Asking Price Range: $54,500 to $419,000 58 Parcels of Land Askin
Checklist for Fall and Winter Preparation 1. Tune up your heating system and create a plan for maintenance. For about $80 to $100, a technician will inspect your furnace or heat pump to be sure the system is clean and in good repair so that it can achieve its manufacturer-rated efficiency. The i
This Week within The Lakeway Area Multiple Listing Service, 45 propetries sold: 41 Residential Homes, 4 Single Family Building Lots or plots of land, and no Commercial Properties nor Multifamily Units. 41 Residential Homes Ranging in Price from $19,500 to $434,900 4 Parcels of Land Ranging in P
Saturday's show was focused on Getting your House Ready for Fall and Winter. With the beautiful brisk air of Fall in the air, it's time to think about getting ready for fall and winter. Pretty soon we'll all be spending more time indoors and less likely to tackle outdoor tasks when the weather
Robert Lydick, Executive Director for Rose Center, Spoke to the Rotary Club at the noon club Meeting on Wednesday, September 15th. Robert explained that this coming Mountain Makins Festival scheduled for October 23rd was to be the 35th one so far. he also told the club that about 7000 were expe
As a previous guest at Morristown Rotary, Jeff Branham, City Engineer, presented a program about the large power generator that the City Engineering Department along with Morristown Police and Emergency Management Team escorted through town last June. Now there is a video produced by Barnhart th